构建项目时发生错误 - 错误:CS0006“... \ Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll”找不到

简介: 构建项目时发生错误 - 错误:CS0006“... \ Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll”找不到 我正在为Hololens建立一个简单的项目。 独特的场景与简单的立方体。 我遵循这个教程做出来: - > https://developer.

构建项目时发生错误 - 错误:CS0006“... \ Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll”找不到




- > https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/mixed-reality/holograms_100 
- > https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/mixed-reality/using_visual_studio#hololens 
- > http://pterneas.com/2016/04/04/getting-started-hololens-unity3d/

但是,当我构建时会显示这个错误: 在这里输入图像描述

我正在使用最新版本的Unity和Visual Studio:

Visual Studio:v15.3.2

有趣的是,我有一个v15.2版本(26430.16) Visual Studio 的朋友,他通常会构建任何Hololens应用程序。

我已经重新安装了我的Visual Studio和Unity(最新版本),但错误仍在继续。

我发现这个教程 - > http://www.imaginativeuniversal.com/blog/2017/06/24/hololens-fix-visual-studio-2017-build-error/但不起作用。


Restoring NuGet packages ...
To prevent NuGet from restoring packages during compilation, open the Visual Studio Options dialog box, click on the Package Manager node and uncheck 'Allow NuGet to download missing packages during compilation'.
1> ------ Compilation started: Project: Assembly-CSharp-firstpass, Configuration: x86 Release ------
1> Running SerializationWeaver ...
1> System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The supplied key was not present in the dictionary.
1> at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException ()
1> at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item (TKey key)
1> in UnityEditor.Scripting.Compilers.NuGetPackageResolver.Resolve ()
1> in Unity.NuGetAssemblyResolver..ctor (String projectLockFile)
1> in usw.Weaver.ReaderParameters (String assemblyPath, ConversionOptions options)
1> in usw.Weaver.Weave ()
1> in usw.Program.RunProgram (ConversionOptions options)
1> in usw.Program.Main (String [] args)
C: \ Users \ luq.santana \ Documents \ _Unity3D \ BuildLimpa \ App \ GeneratedProjects \ UWP \ Assembly-CSharp-firstpass \ Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.csproj (196,5): error MSB3073: : \ Users \ luiz.santana \ Documents \ _Unity3D \ BuildLimpa \ App \ Unity \ Tools \ SerializationWeaver \ SerializationWeaver.exe "" C: \ Users \ luiz.santana \ Documents \ _Unity3D \ BuildLimpa \ App \ GeneratedProjects \ UWP \ Assembly- CSharp-firstpass \ bin \ x86 \ Release \ Unprocessed \ Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll "-pdb" -verbose "-web-engine = C: \ Users \ luiz.santana \ Documents \ _Unity3D \ BuildLimpa \ App \ BuildLimpa \ Unprocessed \ UnityEngine.dll "" C: \ Users \ luiz.santana \ Documents \ _Unity3D \ BuildLimpa \ app \ GeneratedProjects \ UWP \ Assembly-CSharp-FirstPass \ obj \ x86 \ Release \ x86 \ Release "" -lock = C: \ Users \ luiz.santana \ Documents \ _Unity3D \ BuildLimpa \ app \ GeneratedProjects \ UWP \ Assembly-CSharp-FirstPass \ project.lock.json "" @C: \ Users \ luiz.santana \ Documents \ _Unity3D \ BuildLimpa \ App \ GeneratedProjects \ UWP \ Assembly-CSharp-firstpass \ SerializationWeaverArgs.txt "-additionalAssemblyP ATH = C: \ Users \ luiz.santana \ Documents \ _Unity3D \ BuildLimpa \ app \ BuildLimpa \ Unprocessed "" -unity-networking = C: \ Users \ luiz.santana \ Documents \ _Unity3D \ BuildLimpa \ app \ BuildLimpa \ Unprocessed \ UnityEngine.Networking.dll "was terminated with code 1.
2> ------ Compilation started: Project: Assembly-CSharp, Configuration: Release x86 ------
2> CSC: error CS0006: C: \ Users \ luiz.santana \ Documents \ _Unity3D \ BuildLimpa \ App \ GeneratedProjects \ UWP \ Assembly-CSharp-firstpass \ bin \ x86 \ Release-Assembly-CSharp-firstpass source file. Dll "can not be found
3> ------ Compilation started: Project: BuildLimpa, Configuration: Release x86 ------
3> CSC: error CS0006: C: \ Users \ luiz.santana \ Documents \ _Unity3D \ BuildLimpa \ App \ GeneratedProjects \ UWP \ Assembly-CSharp-firstpass \ bin \ x86 \ Release-Assembly-CSharp-firstpass source file. Dll "can not be found
CSC: Error CS0006: C: \ Users \ Luiz.santana \ Documents \ _Unity3D \ BuildLimpa \ App \ GeneratedProjects \ UWP \ Assembly-CSharp \ bin \ x86 \ Release \ Assembly-CSharp.dll "source file can not To be found
========== Compile: 0 successfully, 3 failed, 0 refreshed, 0 ignored ==========
========== Deployment: 0 Successfully, 0 Failed, 0 Ignored ==========



我只是改变了project.lock.json文件中的版本。它与Version=v10.0.10240´. I just ´find/replace所有,并取代Version=v10.0和工作!

我在这个链接中找到了一个解决方案:https : //forum.unity3d.com/threads/net-scripting-backend-and-visual-studio-2017-3-incompatibility.487833/


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