1. 遍历关联数组index by varchar2
declare type t is table of number(3) index by varchar2(3); hash_t t; l_row varchar2(3); begin hash_t('a') := 10; hash_t('b') := 20; l_row :=hash_t.first; while(l_row is not null) loop dbms_output.put_line(hash_t(l_row)); l_row:=hash_t.next(l_row); end loop; end; --数字序列可以这样 declare type t is table of number(3) index by pls_integer; hash_t t; l_row varchar2(3); begin hash_t(1) := 10; hash_t(2) := 20; for i in hash_t.first .. hash_t.last loop dbms_output.put_line(hash_t(i)); end loop; end;