David Atienza博士专访:适用性是可穿戴设备商业化关键所在



近日,由工业和信息化部人才交流中心主办,江北新区IC智慧谷顶山产业园协办的“芯动力”人才发展计划国际名家讲堂系列最新活动在南京浦口区举办。作为活动的全程支持媒体,镁客网受邀对本次讲座的专家导师瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院副教授David Atienza博士进行了一次专访。

David Atienza博士专访实录:适用性是可穿戴设备商业化关键所在

左起:工信部IC Power产业合作组王喆、洛桑联邦理工学院David Atienza博士、镁客网主编王刚

David Atienza博士表示,在过去几年中,可穿戴设备的发展方向有所跑偏,因为这些设备研发商并没有实际的去测量或收取用户反馈数据,导致了产品的不适用性和无法给用户安全感。未来,我们的可穿戴设备应该与物联网紧密连接,并切身考虑用户需求,只有这样,产业才能实现真正的商业化发展。

以下是镁客网对David Atienza博士的专访实录:

David Atienza博士专访实录:适用性是可穿戴设备商业化关键所在

镁客网:David 您好,我们了解到,您的研究主要是针对“高性能多处理器系统级芯片(MPSOC)和低功耗嵌入式系统的设计方法”的,包括针对2D和3D MPSoCs的新型热感知设计,以及针对无线人体传感器网络,动态内存管理和互连层次结构优化的设计方法和架构。可以请您先介绍一下您在可穿戴设备的功耗和系统优化方面取得了哪些最新的进展吗?


















1, Can you tell us something about the latest developments you have made in the power consumption and system optimization of wearable devices?

In my Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESL) at EPFL, we have made very important recent developments that prove that near-threshold multi-core computing architectures are more energy-efficient that single-core microcontrollers for complex bio-signal processing in next-generation smart wearable devices, and that they can be even used to run machine learning algorithms on-board in wearable systems instead of sending all the data to remote cloud computing systems (which requires a lot more energy than computing on-board actually). Also, at the system level at ESL we have been the first ones to demonstrate that compressive sensing can be used in ECG-based monitoring in wearables to dramatically reduce the energy spent in bio-signal sensing and sampling.

2, For the prospects of the commercialization of wearable device, do you think the current direction of the application have matured or have a predictable mature market environment?

I believe the application direction of most of current wearables in the last years (oriented towards wellness and consumer markets) is not the right application to make a difference, as these devices lack clinical validation on what they measure or provide as feedback to the user. Therefore, many people start being reluctant to accept them any longer, but I think this area of products is rapidly evolving towards truly health-reliable certified devices, and it will have a mature market environment in preventive (and personalized) healthcare if the systems are validated well and do not bother the user (i.e., we should not realize they are there).

3, We have been talking about the concept of "wearable equipment" and this kind of product also flourished a few years ago, one of the most popular is the "smart bracelet." But they are declining rapidly, the global shipments fell sharply and many manufacturers also closed down or went through reorganization. What makes this happen? Which point of this product is urgently needed to improve in addition to its lack of practical use?

This situation is very much aligned with my previous answer because “smart bracelet” are one clear example of wearables where the lack of validation has made many customers believe that the current systems are not reliable in what they indicate (e.g., amount of steps done or calories spent per day, etc.) so do not buy them anymore. Thus, this is one clear example where the real validation and adaptability of the devices, as these devices lack clinical validation on what they measure or provide as feedback to the user. Therefore, many people start being reluctant to use them any longer. However, I think this family of products will gain ground again if the devices are well tuned to be reliable. On the other hand, a key point that needs to be improved is the user interface, as it is one of the main limitations for a practical use (e.g., how are you going to write an e-mail or reply in an elaborated way to a message that somebody has sent you?). Until the smart bracelets (or smartwatches) are not able to remove the need for a phone completely, they will not reach a real stable commercial success.

4, Just continue, do you think that wearable devices should be used as a separate product, or as a feature of daily use?

I believe wearables should (and will) become a (normal) feature of our daily life, as the smartphone has done in the end. It is just a matter of time and finding the right features for them so that people do not see them as “funny gadgets” but rather elements that improve our quality of life.

5, What about the relationship between wearable devices and IoT?

Wearable devices are a key component in the idea of IoT because for me they are at the foundations of IoT. Indeed, they must create the first link between IoT and human beings by allowing the other connected things (not in contact with our bodies) to understand what we feel or need or want. So the first integration of IoT devices starts on having reliable (and comfortable) wearable devices that can interact with the other IoT devices to make smart cities, smart building or appealing Industry 4.0 environments (to mention a few) interacting with humans.

6, We note that you specifically mentioned the "feature extraction, machine learning and data records" in your subject, so I want to ask how accuracy the data analysis result of wearable device is and how long it can be practically adapted?

Note that it is already a major progress (only done in the couple of years) that wearables can run machine learning by extracting at run-time complex features from biological signals. So this is a new field to make wearable devices truly adaptive to the person wearing them (so “smart” overall) and the current accuracy that these devices can reach depends on the application. For instance, in cardiovascular monitoring, the possible ECG inputs can be identified as correct or having a possible arrhythmia in the order of 95-96%, as we have proved recently at ESL-EPFL. So this new family of wearable devices including on-board machine are getting ready fast to be use in the general audience (after passing the corresponding FDA or CE mark, depending on the market in US or Europe). So I am optimist that we can have them on the market in this area in the next couple of years. On the other hand, other areas like EEG analysis are having more difficulties to develop embedded machine learning, so wearables having this support will only be deployed in the short term (4-5 years in my view) by connecting them to cloud computing services, where these machine learning algorithms will be running on the background and providing the indications to the wearables to adapt to their results.

7, Can you describe how the ultimate wearable device application scene will be in your vision?

In my mind the ultimate wearable devices will need to be really smart, autonomous (do not need any battery) and able to adapt to each person. Moreover, they will not be disturbing us at all (so almost to the point of being almost “transparent”). Therefore, in my view they could (eventually) have the shape of a simple tiny sticker that we put on our skin and can interact with use by communicating directly with the brain without us pronouncing a word. I know this is really challenging (or essentially impossible) with our current technology, but I am confident that we will progress enough to make it happen in the future.

原文发布时间: 2017-04-27 18:40
本文作者: 伶轩
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