Using the isBranch() method to determine if a Tree item is a branch or leaf

The following example shows how you can use the  isBranch()  method to determine if a specific node in a Tree control is a branch (folder) or leaf (item).
<? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!--  -->
< mx:Application  xmlns:mx =""
="white" >

< mx:Script >

            private function tree_itemClick(evt:ListEvent):void {
                var itemIsBranch:Boolean = tree.dataDescriptor.isBranch(tree.selectedItem);
                lbl.text = itemIsBranch.toString();

            private function tree_labelFunc(item:XML):String {
                var returnStr:String = item.@label;
                var itemIsBranch:Boolean = tree.dataDescriptor.isBranch(item);
                if (itemIsBranch) {
                    returnStr += " (BRANCH)";
                return returnStr;
</ mx:Script >

< mx:XML  id ="xmlDP" >
< node >
< node  label ="1.a"   />
< node  label ="1.b"   />
< node  label ="1.c" >
< node  label ="1.c.i"   />
< node  label ="1.c.ii"   />
< node  label ="1.c.iii"   />
< node  label ="1.c.iv"   />
< node  label ="1.c.v"   />
</ node >
< node  label ="1.d"   />
< node  label ="1.e" >
< node  label ="1.e.i"   />
< node  label ="1.e.ii"   />
< node  label ="1.e.iii" >
< node  label ="1.e.iii.A"   />
</ node >
< node  label ="1.e.iv"   />
</ node >
< node  label ="1.f"   />
</ node >
</ mx:XML >

< mx:ApplicationControlBar  dock ="true" >
< mx:Form  styleName ="plain" >
< mx:FormItem  label ="isBranch():" >
< mx:Label  id ="lbl"  fontWeight ="bold"   />
</ mx:FormItem >
</ mx:Form >
</ mx:ApplicationControlBar >

< mx:Tree  id ="tree"
="tree_itemClick(event);"   />

</ mx:Application >
    本文转自 OldHawk  博客园博客,原文链接: ,如需转载请自行联系原作者

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