adsi与 adfind工具

Do you need to quickly find the GUID id from the Active Directory without have to write some complex code just to get the GUID id.
Solution 1: You can use Windows Server 2003 ADSI (Active Directiory Services Interface) Edit tool to get the GUID or SID value.
ADSI Edit (adsidedit) is one of Windows Server 2003's support tools. So if you don't have you can install it from the CD.
Solution 2: You can use Adfind to get this GUID or SID value
Get GUID value:
1. First download the Adfind tool.
2. In command prompt execute adfind -b dc=yourdomain,dc=yourdomain,dc=org -f (sAMAccountName=Cymbaline) objectGUID
EG. C:\Program Files\adfind>adfind -b dc=yourdomain,dc=yourdomain,dc=org -f (sAMAccountName=Cymbaline) objectGUID
Get SID: value:
C:\Program Files\adfind>adfind -b dc=yourdomain,dc=yourdomain,dc=org -f (sAMAccountName=Cymbaline) objectGUID
You can do many more with this tool, look in the help to see what else you can do.

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