
简介: linux中pci设备知识   Linux PCI设备驱动实际包括Linux PCI设备驱动和设备本身驱动两部分。PCI(Periheral Component Interconnect)有三种地址空间:PCI I/O空间、PCI内存地址空间和PCI配置空间。


  Linux PCI设备驱动实际包括Linux PCI设备驱动和设备本身驱动两部分。PCI(Periheral Component Interconnect)有三种地址空间:PCI I/O空间、PCI内存地址空间和PCI配置空间。其中,PCI I/O空间和PCI内存地址空间由设备驱动程序使用,而PCI配置空间由Linux PCI初始化代码使用,用于配置PCI设备,比如中断号以及I/O或内存基地址。

1.1.1 内核工作



    1). Host/PCI桥:  用于连接CPU与PCI根总线,第1个根总线的编号为0。在PC中,内存控制器也通常被集成到Host/PCI桥设备芯片中,因此Host/PCI桥通常也被称为“北桥芯片组(North Bridge Chipset)”。

    2). PCI/ISA桥:   用于连接旧的ISA总线。通常,PCI中类似i8359A中断控制器这样的设备也会被集成到PCI/ISA桥设备中。因此,PCI/ISA桥通常也被称为“南桥芯片组(South Bridge Chipset)”

    3). PCI-to-PCI桥(以下称为PCI-PCI桥):  用于连接PCI主总线(Primary Bus)和次总线(Secondary Bus)。PCI-PCI桥所处的PCI总线称为主总线,即次总线的父总线;PCI-PCI桥所连接的PCI总线称为次总线,即主总线的子总线。


1.1.2 遍历




1.1.3 配置

PCI设备中一般都带有一些RAM和ROM 空间,通常的控制/状态寄存器和数据寄存器也往往以RAM区间的形式出现,而这些区间的地址在设备内部一般都是从0开始编址的,那么当总线上挂接了多个设备时,对这些空间的访问就会产生冲突。所以,这些地址都要先映射到系统总线上,再进一步映射到内核的虚拟地址空间。



1.1.4 数据结构


struct pci_driver {

        struct list_head node;

        const char *name;

        const struct pci_device_id *id_table;   /* must be non-NULL for probe to be called */

        int  (*probe)  (struct pci_dev *dev, const struct pci_device_id *id);   /* New device inserted */

        void (*remove) (struct pci_dev *dev);   /* Device removed (NULL if not a hot-plug capable driver) */

        int  (*suspend) (struct pci_dev *dev, pm_message_t state);      /* Device suspended */

        int  (*suspend_late) (struct pci_dev *dev, pm_message_t state);

        int  (*resume_early) (struct pci_dev *dev);

        int  (*resume) (struct pci_dev *dev);                   /* Device woken up */

        void (*shutdown) (struct pci_dev *dev);

        int (*sriov_configure) (struct pci_dev *dev, int num_vfs); /* PF pdev */

        const struct pci_error_handlers *err_handler;

        struct device_driver    driver;

        struct pci_dynids dynids;





struct pci_dev {

        struct list_head bus_list;      /* node in per-bus list */

        struct pci_bus  *bus;           /* bus this device is on */

        struct pci_bus  *subordinate;   /* bus this device bridges to */


        void            *sysdata;       /* hook for sys-specific extension */

        struct proc_dir_entry *procent; /* device entry in /proc/bus/pci */

        struct pci_slot *slot;          /* Physical slot this device is in */


        unsigned int    devfn;          /* encoded device & function index */

        unsigned short  vendor;

        unsigned short  device;

        unsigned short  subsystem_vendor;

        unsigned short  subsystem_device;

        unsigned int    class;          /* 3 bytes: (base,sub,prog-if) */

        u8              revision;       /* PCI revision, low byte of class word */

        u8              hdr_type;       /* PCI header type (`multi' flag masked out) */

        u8              pcie_cap;       /* PCI-E capability offset */

        u8              msi_cap;        /* MSI capability offset */

        u8              msix_cap;       /* MSI-X capability offset */

        u8              pcie_mpss:3;    /* PCI-E Max Payload Size Supported */

        u8              rom_base_reg;   /* which config register controls the ROM */

        u8              pin;            /* which interrupt pin this device uses */

        u16             pcie_flags_reg; /* cached PCI-E Capabilities Register */


        struct pci_driver *driver;      /* which driver has allocated this device */

        u64             dma_mask;       /* Mask of the bits of bus address this

                                           device implements.  Normally this is

                                           0xffffffff.  You only need to change

                                           this if your device has broken DMA

                                           or supports 64-bit transfers.  */


        struct device_dma_parameters dma_parms;

        pci_power_t     current_state;  /* Current operating state. In ACPI-speak,

                                           this is D0-D3, D0 being fully functional,

                                           and D3 being off. */

        u8              pm_cap;         /* PM capability offset */

        unsigned int    pme_support:5/* Bitmask of states from which PME#

                                           can be generated */

        unsigned int    pme_interrupt:1;

        unsigned int    pme_poll:1;     /* Poll device's PME status bit */

        unsigned int    d1_support:1;   /* Low power state D1 is supported */

        unsigned int    d2_support:1;   /* Low power state D2 is supported */

        unsigned int    no_d1d2:1;      /* D1 and D2 are forbidden */

        unsigned int    no_d3cold:1;    /* D3cold is forbidden */

        unsigned int    d3cold_allowed:1;       /* D3cold is allowed by user */

        unsigned int    mmio_always_on:1;       /* disallow turning off io/mem

                                                   decoding during bar sizing */

        unsigned int    wakeup_prepared:1;

        unsigned int    runtime_d3cold:1;       /* whether go through runtime

                                                   D3cold, not set for devices

                                                   powered on/off by the

                                                   corresponding bridge */

        unsigned int    d3_delay;       /* D3->D0 transition time in ms */

        unsigned int    d3cold_delay;   /* D3cold->D0 transition time in ms */



        struct pcie_link_state  *link_state;    /* ASPM link state. */



        pci_channel_state_t error_state;        /* current connectivity state */

        struct  device  dev;            /* Generic device interface */


        int             cfg_size;       /* Size of configuration space */



         * Instead of touching interrupt line and base address registers

         * directly, use the values stored here. They might be different!


        unsigned int    irq;

        struct resource resource[DEVICE_COUNT_RESOURCE]; /* I/O and memory regions + expansion ROMs */


        bool match_driver;              /* Skip attaching driver */

        /* These fields are used by common fixups */

        unsigned int    transparent:1/* Transparent PCI bridge */

        unsigned int    multifunction:1;/* Part of multi-function device */

        /* keep track of device state */

        unsigned int    is_added:1;

        unsigned int    is_busmaster:1; /* device is busmaster */

        unsigned int    no_msi:1;       /* device may not use msi */

        unsigned int    block_cfg_access:1;     /* config space access is blocked */

        unsigned int    broken_parity_status:1; /* Device generates false positive parity */

        unsigned int    irq_reroute_variant:2/* device needs IRQ rerouting variant */

        unsigned int    msi_enabled:1;

        unsigned int    msix_enabled:1;

        unsigned int    ari_enabled:1/* ARI forwarding */

        unsigned int    is_managed:1;

        unsigned int    is_pcie:1;      /* Obsolete. Will be removed.

                                           Use pci_is_pcie() instead */

        unsigned int    needs_freset:1; /* Dev requires fundamental reset */

        unsigned int    state_saved:1;

        unsigned int    is_physfn:1;

        unsigned int    is_virtfn:1;

        unsigned int    reset_fn:1;

        unsigned int    is_hotplug_bridge:1;

        unsigned int    __aer_firmware_first_valid:1;

        unsigned int    __aer_firmware_first:1;

        unsigned int    broken_intx_masking:1;

        unsigned int    io_window_1k:1; /* Intel P2P bridge 1K I/O windows */

        pci_dev_flags_t dev_flags;

        atomic_t        enable_cnt;     /* pci_enable_device has been called */

        u32             saved_config_space[16]; /* config space saved at suspend time */

        struct hlist_head saved_cap_space;

        struct bin_attribute *rom_attr; /* attribute descriptor for sysfs ROM entry */

        int rom_attr_enabled;           /* has display of the rom attribute been enabled? */

        struct bin_attribute *res_attr[DEVICE_COUNT_RESOURCE]; /* sysfs file for resources */

        struct bin_attribute *res_attr_wc[DEVICE_COUNT_RESOURCE]; /* sysfs file for WC mapping of resources */


        struct list_head msi_list;

        struct kset *msi_kset;


        struct pci_vpd *vpd;


        union {

                struct pci_sriov *sriov;        /* SR-IOV capability related */

                struct pci_dev *physfn; /* the PF this VF is associated with */


        struct pci_ats  *ats;   /* Address Translation Service */


        phys_addr_t rom; /* Physical address of ROM if it's not from the BAR */

        size_t romlen; /* Length of ROM if it's not from the BAR */



static inline struct pci_dev *pci_physfn(struct pci_dev *dev)



        if (dev->is_virtfn)

                dev = dev->physfn;



        return dev;



1.1.5 pci初始化流程

pci这块代码在两个地方,一个是driver/pci另一个是arch/x86/pci中。  关于入口



drivers/pci/pci-driver.c文件,postcore_initcall(pci_driver_init); 注册pci总线,并在/sys/bus/下创建了一个pci目录



arch_initcall(pci_arch_init);体系架构相关,对于64 bit x86来说使用CONFIG_PCI_DIRECT的方式进行访问PCI配置空间。在内核编译时候可以指定。

drivers/pci/slot.c文件中,subsys_initcall(pci_slot_init); 创建/sys/bus/slots文件。


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