UNIX/Linux 系统管理技术手册阅读(一)


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2016.8.8 16:30-17:30


1 Where to Start

第一部分 基本管理技术

第1章 从何处入手

  An awful lot of UNIX and Linux information is available these days,so we've designed this book to occupy a specific niche in the ecosystem of man pages,blogs,magazines,books,and other reference materials that address the needs of system administrators.



an awful lot of    非常多的

occupy             占据占领侵占使用

niche              合适的位置

specific           明确的特种的具体的

ecosystem          生态系统

magazines          杂志

  First,it's an orientation guide.It reviews the major administrative systems,identifies the different pieces of each,and explains how they work together,In the many cases where you must choose between various implementations of a concept,we describe the advantages and drawbacks of the major players.



orientation        方向定位取向排列方向任职培训

guide              引路指导操纵影响

reviews            评论回顾审查检查

major              严重主要的重要的大的

administrative     管理的行政的

identifies         识别确认辨认鉴别

pieces             片条部分

explains           解释说明阐明说明…的理由

many cases         多数情况下

choose             选择

between            在…之间私下暗中在…中任择其一来往于…之间

various            各种各样的多方面的许多的各个的个别的

implementations    实现    

concept            观念概念观点思想设想想法总的印象

describe           描写叙述描绘

advantages         优势

drawbacks          缺点不利条件障碍

major players      主要参与者

  Second, it’s a quick-reference handbook that summarizes what you need to know to perform common tasks on a variety of common UNIX and Linux systems. For example, the ps command, which shows the status of running processes, supports more than 80 command-line options on Linux systems. But a few combinations of options satisfy 99% of a system administrator’s needs; see them on page 130. 



summarize          总结概述概括归纳

perform            执行履行表演做

perform common tasks      执行常见任务

combinations       很少的很少

satisfy            使满意满足

  Finally, this book focuses on the administration of enterprise servers and networks. That is, serious system administration. It’s easy to set up a single desktop system; harder to keep a virtualized network running smoothly in the face of load spikes, disk failures, and intentional attacks. We describe techniques and rules of thumb that help networks recover from adversity, and we help you choose solutions that scale as your site grows in size, complexity, and heterogeneity. 



Finally            最后

focuses            重点focuse的复数焦点

serious            严重 严肃 认真 

set up             建立装配开业竖立

harder             更难的更努力的更坚固的

smoothly           平稳地平滑地流畅地流利地

load spikes        负载高峰

intentional attacks    恶意攻击

describe           描述形容描绘

techniques         技术技巧

rules of thumb     经验法则 拇指规则 拇指法则 

adversity          逆境不幸灾难灾祸

solutions          解决方案应对措施    

scale              规模比例鳞刻度天平数值范围

grow in            增加在……方面成长

complexity         复杂复杂性复杂错综的事物

heterogeneity      异质性 


  We don’t claim to do all of this with perfect objectivity, but we think we’ve made our biases fairly clear throughout the text. One of the interesting things about system administration is that reasonable people can have dramatically different notions of what constitute the most appropriate policies and procedures. We offer our subjective opinions to you as raw data. You’ll have to decide for yourself how much to accept and to what extent our comments apply to your environment.



claim to           要求 声称 自称 

all of             不少于实足……的全部

objectivity        客观客观性

biases             偏差偏见

throughout         自始至终到处全部

reasonable people  理智的人

dramatically       戏剧地引人注目地

notions            观念

constitute         组成构成建立任命

appropriate        适当的恰当的合适的

procedures         程序规程

subjective opinions     主观意见

raw data           原始数据原始资料

decide             决定下决心

extent             程度范围长度

comments           评论comment的复数注解

environment        环境外界

2016.8.9 16:30-17:30

1.1 Essential duties of the system administrator

1.1 系统管理员的基本任务

  The Wikipedia page for “system administrator” includes a nice discussion of the tasks that system administration is generally thought to include. This page currently draws a rather sharp distinction between administration and software development, but in our experience, professional administrators spend much of their time writing scripts. That doesn’t make system administrators developers per se, but it does mean that they need many of the same analytical and architectural skills.


  The sections below summarize some of the main tasks that administrators are expected to perform. These duties need not necessarily be carried out by a single person, and at many sites the work is distributed among a team. However, at least one person must understand all the components and make sure that every task is being done correctly.


1.1.1 Account provisioning

1.1.1 账号管理

  The system administrator adds accounts for new users, removes the accounts of users that are no longer active, and handles all the account-related issues that come up in between (e.g., forgotten passwords). The process of adding and removing users can be automated, but certain administrative decisions (where to put a user’s home directory, which machines to create the account on, etc.) must still be made before a new user can be added.


  When a user should no longer have access to the system, the user’s account must be disabled. All the files owned by the account should be backed up and then disposed of so that the system does not accumulate unwanted baggage over time.


1.1.2 Adding and removing hardware

1.1.2 增删硬件

  When new hardware is purchased or when hardware is moved from one machine to another, the system must be configured to recognize and use that hardware. Hardware-support chores can range from the simple task of adding a printer to the more complex job of adding a disk array.


  Now that virtualization has arrived in the enterprise computing sphere, hardware configuration can be more complicated than ever. Devices may need installation at several layers of the virtualization stack, and the system administrator may need to formulate policies that allow the hardware to be shared securely and fairly.


      本文转自cix123  51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/zhaodongwei/1835742,如需转载请自行联系原作者

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