UNIX/Linux 系统管理技术手册阅读(八)


2016.8.24 9:37-10:20

1.10.2 Package-specific documentation

Most of the important software packages in the UNIX and Linux world are maintained by individuals or by third parties such as the Internet Systems Consortium and the Apache Software Foundation. These groups write their own documentation. The quality runs the gamut from embarrassing to spectacular, but jewels such as Version Control with Subversion from svnbook.red-bean.com make the hunt worthwhile.

1.10.2 针对软件包的专门文档

  UNIX和Linux世界里重要的软件包大多数是由个人或者第三方来维护的,比如Internet软件联盟(Internet Systems Consortium)和Apache软件基金会(Apache Software Foundation)。这些组织一般为它们所布的包编写文档。文档质量则从令人尴尬到吧为观止都有,但因为有了svnbook.red-bean.com的“Version Control with Subversion”这样的珍品存在,所以还是值得花时间去找的。

UNIX vendors and Linux distributors always include the appropriate man pages in their packages. Unfortunately, they tend to skimp on other documentation, mostly because there really isn’t a standard place to put it (check /usr/share/doc). It’s often useful to check the original source of the software to see if additional materials are available.


Supplemental documents include white papers (technical reports), design rationales, and book- or pamphlet-length treatments of particular topics. These supplemental materials are not limited to describing just one command, so they can adopt a tutorial or procedural approach. Many pieces of software have both a man page and an article. For example, the man page for vi tells you about the command-line arguments that vi understands, but you have to go to the in-depth treatment to learn how to actually edit a file.



The best resources for system administrators in the printed realm (aside from this book :-)) are the O’Reilly series of books. The series began with UNIX in a Nutshell over 20 years ago and now includes a separate volume on just about every important UNIX and Linux subsystem and command. The series also includes books on the Internet, Windows, and other non-UNIX topics. All the books are reasonably priced, timely, and focused.

1.10.3 书籍

  在打印材料中,给系统管理员最好的资料来源就是O’Reilly的系列图书(除了本书之外)。这个系列从20年前的“UNIX in a Nutshell(UNIX简明教程)”开始,到如今针对每个UNIX和Linux子系统和命令都已经有一本独立成册的书。这个系列的图书也包括介绍Internet、Windows和其他UNIX之外的专题。所有这些书都定价合理、内容及时而且针对性强。

Tim O’Reilly has become quite interested in the open source movement and runs a conference, OSCON, on this topic as well as conferences on other trendy techie topics. OSCON occurs twice yearly, once in the United States and once in Europe. See oreilly.com for more information.

  Tim O’Reilly已经开始表现出对开源运动具有很大兴趣,他为开源举办了一个名为OSCON的大会,而且也为其他流行的技术主题举办大会。OSCON每年举办两次,一次在美国,另一次在欧洲。参考oreilly.com了解更多情况。

2016.8.26 17:10-17:40

RFCs and other Internet documents

The Request for Comments document series describes the protocols and procedures used on the Internet. Most of these documents are relatively detailed and technical, but some are written as overviews. They are absolutely authoritative, and many are quite useful for system administrators. See page 449 for a more complete description of these documents.

1.10.4 RFC和其他Internet文档


The Linux Documentation Project

Linux systems have another major source of reference information: the Linux Documentation Project at tldp.org. This site hosts a huge array of user-contributed documentation ranging from FAQs to full-length guides. The LDP also centralizes efforts to translate Linux-related documents into additional languages.

  1.10.5 LDP


Unfortunately, many of the LDP documents are not well maintained. Since Linuxyears are a lot like dog-years in their relation to real time, untended documents are apt to go out of date quickly. Always check the time stamp on a HOWTO or guide and weigh its credibility accordingly.



The sources discussed in the previous section are generally the most reliable, but they’re hardly the last word in UNIX and Linux documentation. Countless blogs, discussion forums, and news feeds are available on the Internet.

1.11 其他的信息资源


It should go without saying, but Google is a system administrator’s best friend. Unless you’re looking up the details of a specific command or file format, Google should be the first resource you consult for any sysadmin question. Make it a habit; if nothing else, you’ll avoid the delay and humiliation of having your questions in an on-line forum answered with a link to Google When stuck, Google.


We can’t enumerate every useful collection of UNIX and Linux information on the Internet, but a few of the most significant ones are shown in Table 1.5.


Another fun and useful resource is Bruce Hamilton’s “Rosetta Stone” page at bhami.com/rosetta.html. It contains pointers to the commands and tools used for various system administration tasks on many different operating systems.

  另一个既有意思又有用的资源是Bruce Hamilton在bhami.com/rosetta.html上提供的“Rosetta Stone(罗塞塔石碑)”。其中包含了很多链接,指向在许多不同的操作系统上执行各种系统管理任务所用到的命令和工具。

If you’re a Linux site, don’t be shy about accessing general UNIX resources. Most

information is directly applicable to Linux.


      本文转自cix123  51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/zhaodongwei/1842130,如需转载请自行联系原作者

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实验包括echo命令,用于输出字符串或变量值,例如显示变量`name`的值;date命令,展示和设置时间日期,如 `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S` 格式;wget用于下载文件;ps命令查看进程状态,如`ps -ef | grep sshd`;top命令动态监控系统性能;pidof查找服务进程PID;kill和killall终止进程;ifconfig查看网络状态;uname获取系统信息;uptime显示系统负载;free查看内存使用;who显示登录用户信息;last查看登录历史;history列出命令历史。实验提供了丰富的命令示例和截图教程。
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