(gdb) disassemble
Dump of assembler code for function _Znam@plt:
=> 0x0000000000400738 <+0>: jmpq *0x2006ba(%rip) # 0x600df8(==rip+0x2006ba) <_Znam@got.plt>
0x000000000040073e <+6>: pushq $0x3
0x0000000000400743 <+11>: jmpq 0x4006f8
End of assembler dump.
(gdb) x/2hg 0x600df8
0x600df8 <_Znam@got.plt>: 0x000000000040073e 0x000000000040074e
(gdb) si
0x000000000040073e in operator new[] ()
(gdb) disassemble
Dump of assembler code for function _Znam@plt:
0x0000000000400738 <+0>: jmpq *0x2006ba(%rip) # 0x600df8 <_Znam@got.plt>
=> 0x000000000040073e <+6>: pushq $0x3
0x0000000000400743 <+11>: jmpq 0x4006f8
End of assembler dump.
所以,jmpq *0x2006ba(%rip)这条指令是首先计算rip+0x2006ba的值,假设和为a,然后取a地址处保存的内容(8字节)作为jmp的目的地址,所以这里的*可以理解为c语言中的取地址符.
jmpq *$r11指令:以r11里的值作为地址,取其中保存的8字节内容作为目的地址jump过去
(gdb) p $r11
$8 = 236397654544
(gdb) p /x $r11
$9 = 0x370a65f210
(gdb) x/1hg $r11
0x370a65f210 <operator new[](unsigned long)>: 0xffa6ffe808ec8348
(gdb) si
operator new[] (sz=<optimized out>) at ../../.././libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/new_opv.cc:31
(gdb) disassemble
Dump of assembler code for function operator new[](unsigned long):
=> 0x000000370a65f210 <+0>: sub $0x8,%rsp
0x000000370a65f214 <+4>: callq 0x370a659918 <_Znwm@plt>
0x000000370a65f219 <+9>: add $0x8,%rsp
0x000000370a65f21d <+13>: retq
0x000000370a65f21e <+14>: add $0x1,%rdx
0x000000370a65f222 <+18>: mov %rax,%rdi
0x000000370a65f225 <+21>: je 0x370a65f22c <operator new[](unsigned long)+28>
0x000000370a65f227 <+23>: callq 0x370a65ba08 <_Unwind_Resume@plt>
0x000000370a65f22c <+28>: callq 0x370a65a168 <__cxa_call_unexpected@plt>
End of assembler dump.
本文转自 zhegaozhouji 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/1038741/1947058