Subqueries are not allowed in this context. Only scalar expressions are allowed.

简介: 我想获取表中某一列的最大值,然后插入到另外一个表中,报错的Sql如下: insert into AA(AA_ID,AA_YWFSRQ) values(NewID(),( SELECT CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD(day,- 1, CAST(SUBSTRING(MAX(YEB_RQ), 1, 4)


insert into AA(AA_ID,AA_YWFSRQ) 
(NewID(),(  SELECT   CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD(day,- 1, CAST(SUBSTRING(MAX(YEB_RQ), 1, 4) 
                                    + SUBSTRING(MAX(YEB_RQ), 5, 2) + SUBSTRING(MAX(YEB_RQ), 7, 2) 
                                     AS datetime)), 112) FROM      YEB ));

insert into AA(AA_ID,AA_YWFSRQ) 
NewID(),(  SELECT   CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD(day,- 1, CAST(SUBSTRING(MAX(YEB_RQ), 1, 4) 
                                    + SUBSTRING(MAX(YEB_RQ), 5, 2) + SUBSTRING(MAX(YEB_RQ), 7, 2) 
                                     AS datetime)), 112) FROM      YEB )
        Subqueries are not allowed in this context. Only scalar expressions are allowed.


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