2009-04-15 18:16
按f8进入raid设置界面,(integrated lights-Out)press f8 to configure
1. greate logical drive 配置
2. view logical driue 查看
3. delete logical drive 删除
先删除选delete ,f8删除,f3确认删除,回车
在greate ,创建,回车,回车,做raid5 f8保存配置
Esc 退出
Press f8 to run the option rom contiguration for arrays utility按F8键选择运行光盘阵列配置实用程序
Press esc to skip configuration and continue 按ESC键跳过配置按程序
Press ctrl-s to enter configuration menu 按下Ctrl - s到进入配置菜单
Press f9 key for rom-based setup utility F9键基于ROM的安装实用
Press f10 dey for system maintenance menu 按下F10人家的系统主要tenance菜单
Press f12 key for pxe boot 按下F12键PXE启动
1. deploy server
2. continue
3. 选操作系统,点continue,2003 enterprise edition
4. cd-rom flat files –点continue
5. 选择自定义C盘大小,一般20-30G
Custom:23G 在点continue
6. 写入用户名,序列号,点continue
7. continue 跳过
8. continue 继续,当提示插入03光盘时插入
preparing drive for operating system infanitim编写驱动操作系统infanitimmedia
please wait
smartstart will now configure your system adn reboot please remove the operating sysytem media during reboot copying data files请稍候
deploy server 部署配置服务器
maintain server维护服务器