
简介: 我之前抱怨过Zune的配套软件居然有131M(iTune是65.6M),没想到在花一天时间下载完之后,安装时又报这个错。我想,作为一个普通用户(比如我老婆),这种问题是肯定搞不定的。用户在没有享受之前就被折磨的不行了。

image 我之前抱怨过Zune的配套软件居然有131M(iTune是65.6M),没想到在花一天时间下载完之后,安装时又报这个错。我想,作为一个普通用户(比如我老婆),这种问题是肯定搞不定的。用户在没有享受之前就被折磨的不行了。


No installation media
Can't find the media for installation package 'Windows Media Format SDK'



下载安装一个Windows Media Player 11 就可以解决问题。



Can't find the media for installation package 'Image Mastering API V2'.





  1. WindowsXP-KB932716-v2-x86-CHS. (安装'Image Mastering API V2)
  2. WindowsXP-KB915865-v11-x86-CHS
  3. Windows Media Player 11
  4. ZunePackage3.0



Operating system       
Either 32-bit or 64-bit versions of Microsoft® Windows Vista® Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista Ultimate, or Windows Vista Starter Edition; 32-bit versions of Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2 (SP2), Windows XP Professional SP2, Windows XP Tablet PC Edition SP2, or Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 with KB900325 (Rollup Update 2 for Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005); Mac OSX with BootCamp (running either Windows Vista or Windows XP).5 ?/ W. V% H% i9 D; O( u0 V
" X6 h$ j; W3 x6 n$ D! Q1 VIn addition, go to Windows Update and install any high-priority updates that are available for your computer.

Zune software won't run on versions of Windows earlier than Windows XP SP2, any 64-bit version of Windows XP, or any version of Windows Server.








Every good interface has its hidden features users have to find by themselves. A few of those appeared on the internet lately.

First Zune trick is about rebooting your Zune if it freezes for an unknown reason:

“To reboot your Zune, all you have to do is press and hold the Back button (the left-most button, the one with the arrow pointing left) while pressing upward on the control pad. It doesn't have to be a simultaneous press: you can first press the Back button then while holding that button, press and hold the control pad upward. You'll see the Zune raise the volume (or whatever pressing up will do in the mode that the Zune is in) then after a few seconds, it will reboot itself. The reboot process takes around 15 to 20 seconds.” [Zunethoughts]

Battery longevity is a major issue with those media players, especially now with video and pictures. Every trick you can have to save your battery power is important. The normally used method to turn of the Zune is to press the play/pause button. This is in fact more a “standby” mode with a turned off screen. It is very useful since your Zune can be turned on instantly and it knows what it was when turned off. If you really want to save as much battery power that you can and you don't care waiting a few more seconds at start-up, here as trick posted by Zunerama:

“Press and hold the down button on the D-pad, and at the same time press and hold the back button. In three seconds, the player will fully power down.

If you're not going to use the player for a few hours, or if it's just not important to you that it start at your most recent function, this method will keep your battery juiced for a much longer time.
When you do power the Zune back on, it'll display the Zune logo momentarily (about 4 seconds) and then take you to the main screen.”

Keep in mind that with this method, the Zune won't remember where it was and what was the last song played before the shut-down.

If you find other interesting tricks like those, let us know!

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