- ansible版本及系统环境
- Ansible中become的说明
Ansible允许你成为另一个用户,与登录到本机的用户或远程用户不同。这是使用现有的特权升级工具(privilege escalation tools)完成的,您可能已经使用或已经配置了这些工具,如sudo,su,pfexec,doas,pbrun,dzdo,ksu等。
(1)在1.9 Ansible之前,大多数情况下都允许使用sudo和有限的su来允许登录/远程用户成为不同的用户并执行任务,用第二个用户的权限创建资源。从1.9开始become代替旧的sudo / su,同时仍然向后兼容。这个新系统也使得添加诸如pbrun(Powerbroker),pfexec,dzdo(Centrify)等其他特权升级工具变得更加容易。
(2)变量和指令是独立的,即设置become_user并不是设置become。 - Ansible中become的使用
set to ‘true’/’yes’ to activate privilege escalation.
set to user with desired privileges — the user you ‘become’, NOT the user you login as. Does NOT imply become: yes, to allow it to be set at host level.
become_user=root 设置为root账户,相当于我们以普通账户登入到远程主机时,再使用su - root切换为root账户。
(at play or task level) overrides the default method set in ansible.cfg, set to sudo/su/pbrun/pfexec/doas/dzdo/ksu
become_method=su 表示用什么方式将普通账户切换到root或所需的其他账户,这里可以用su或sudo。
(at play or task level) permit to use specific flags for the tasks or role. One common use is to change user to nobody when the shell is set to no login. Added in Ansible 2.2.
表示允许为任务或角色使用特定的标志。一个常见的用法是在shell设置为不登录时将用户更改为nobody。ansible2.2版本中增加。 Ansible中become的使用举例
(1)To run a command as the apache user:( 以apache账户运行命令),play.yml脚本如下:name: Run a command as the apache user
command: somecommand
become: true
become_user: apache
(2)To do something as the nobody user when the shell is nologin:(在shell设置为不登录时将用户更改为nobody),play.yml脚本如下:- name: Run a command as nobody
command: somecommand
become: true
become_method: su
become_user: nobody
become_flags: '-s /bin/sh'
- become变量在hosts使用
equivalent of the become directive, decides if privilege escalation is used or not.(相当于成为指令,决定是否使用特权升级。)
allows to set privilege escalation method(允许设置权限升级方法)
allows to set the user you become through privilege escalation, does not imply ansible_become: True
allows you to set the privilege escalation password
[root@iZ2ze5n6gzuzcclehq1v9gZ ansible]# vim hosts[yunwei] ##运维 wtf ansible_ssh_user=product ansible_become_user=root ansible_become=true ansible 本文转自品鉴初心51CTO博客,原文链接:
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