ICADL2012- A Scalable, Adaptive, Self-management and Fault-tolerant Architecture for Digital Library



蹭了师兄郑良榉@lj_zheng 在ICADL 2012发布的长文,一并感谢鲁伟明老师@luwm~ ICADL属数字图书馆,世界著名会议,今年在台湾于九月份召开,届时请关注这篇长文哈。

A Scalable, Adaptive, Self-management and Fault-tolerant Architecture for Digital Library 


In the era of Big Data, two major challenges are taking place in digital library technologies. One is the transition from database to Data Ocean and the other is transition from digital library to Smart Library. In order to address these challenges, we propose a scalable, adaptive,  self-management, fault-tolerant architecture for various services in the digital library. Users can deploy services quite easily on this architecture, and the architecture enables the deployed services load balancing, scalable, adaptive and fault-tolerant. The practice in CADAL demonstrates the feasibility and efficiency of our architecture. 


Big Data, Digital Library, OSGi, Architecture, Fault-tolerant

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