
 这个问题仅出现在storage vMotion时,迁移是弹出报错框——Call “VirtualMachine.Relocate” for object “VM-NAME” on vCenter Server “vCenter-Name” failed

找到VMWare KB,说明vStorage API备份后VPX_DISABLED_METHODS未删除,经检查确实存在问题的VM有NB_LAST_BACKUP标志。再按照KB里所述SQL,找到VPX_DISABLED_METHODS相关行,删除后问题解决。

  1. Stop the vCenter Services.
  2. Take a backup of the vCenter Server database.
  3. Run this command against the vCenter Server database.
    select * from VPX_VM WHERE FILE_NAME LIKE '%Virtual-Machine-Name%'
  4. Take note of the numerical ID value returned by the above SQL stmt, as this will be required in the SQL stmt in steps 5 and 6.
  5. Run this command against the vCenter Server database, to confirm the stale entry:
    select * from VPX_DISABLED_METHODS WHERE ENTITY_MO_ID_VAL = 'vm-<ID from step 4>'
  6. To remove the stale entry run this command against the vCenter Server database:
    delete from VPX_DISABLED_METHODS WHERE ENTITY_MO_ID_VAL = 'vm-<ID from step 4>'
  7. Start vCenter Server Services, then retry the Storage vMotion.

本文转自 waydee 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/waydee/957221,如需转载请自行联系原作者
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