A theme for Jekyll to build a personal blog. Seehttps://github.com/waylau/jekyll-theme-blog



You can see the theme running on my blog.



  • Start by cloning the github repo using git clone
  • You must have jekyll installed to run this, use gem install jekyll for installing it
  • Use jekyll serve to run the site live.


markdown: rdiscount #kramdown
highlighter: pygments
permalink: /:title/
paginate: 6
paginate_path: page/:num

    name:  Way Lau's Blog                                 # 博客名称
    description: 技术改变世界!                             # 博客描述
    title: Way Lau's Personal Site | www.waylau.com       # 网页标题
    url: http://www.waylau.com                            # 博客地址
    duoshuo:  waylau                                      # 多说ID
    tongji: 28cf5fa48a599e39c5cc760931de942f              # 百度统计ID
    name: Way Lau                                         # 作者名称
    email: waylau521@gmail.com                            # 邮箱地址
    weibo: http://weibo.com/waylau521                     # 微博地址
    github: https://github.com/waylau                     # GitHub地址
    twitter: https://twitter.com/waylau521                #twitter 地址
    logo:  /res/img/icon.png                              # logo地址

Creating Posts

For creating posts add this snippet in front of your post's markdown file:

    layout: post
    title:  "your title here"
    tags: your tags here
    class: post

Add content below this and save the post in _posts directory (you will have to create it).


Feel free to fork and contribute to the project, just create a pull request.

Open sourced under MIT License