HTTP状态码 |
英文解释 |
中文解释 |
200 |
-OK,- Standard response for successful HTTP requests. | 发出http请求后服务器成功返回正确的网页 |
301 |
-Moved Permanently , - This and all future requests should be directed to the given. | 请求的网页已永久跳转到新位置。(永久跳转), |
302 |
-Temporary Moved |
请求已临时跳转到新位置 |
403 |
-Forbidden,forbidden request (matches a deny filter) => HTTP 403 - The request was a legal request, but the server is refusing to respond to it. |
(禁止访问),服务器拒绝请求 |
404 |
-Not Found- The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future. | 服务器找不到请求的页面。 |
500 |
- Internal Server Error- internal error in haproxy => HTTP 500 - A generic error message, given when no more specific message is suitable. |
(内部服务器错误)前端负载均衡器错误 |
502 |
- Bad Gateway- the server returned an invalid or incomplete response => HTTP 502 - The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and received an invalid response from the upstream server. |
(坏的网关),一般是网关服务器请求后端服务时,后端服务没有按照http协议正确返回结果。 |
503 |
- Service Unavailable- no server was available to handle the request => HTTP 503 - The server is currently unavailable (because it is overloaded or down for maintenance). |
(服务当前不可用),可能因为超载或停机维护。 |
504 |
- Gateway Timeout - the server failed to reply in time => HTTP 504 - The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and did not receive a timely response from the upstream server. |
(网关超时),一般是网关服务器请求后端服务时,后端服务没有在特定的时间内完成服务。 |
本文转自chengong1013 51CTO博客,原文链接:,如需转载请自行联系原作者