Server and PC naming management

About Server
example 1.
Such as:Watch XX  SQL Server in HK Office)
Server Location       Business      Type of Server       No.of Server   
          hksv                   wat                       sql                         01
example 2.
Such as:IT  Blade Deployment Server in CJL IT Centre
Server Location       Business      Type of Server       No.of Server     
         cjlsv                                             deploy                       01
About PC
Location           Department    Name of PC user
  LLG                          IT                 Annie

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安全 网络协议 应用服务中间件
Setting Up a Server Cluster for Enterprise Web Apps – Part 3
In this three-part tutorial, we will discover how to set up a server cluster using Alibaba Cloud ECS and WordPress.
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Setting Up a Server Cluster for Enterprise Web Apps – Part 3
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Setting up a Server Cluster for Enterprise Web Apps – Part 2
In this three-part tutorial, we will discover how to set up a server cluster using Alibaba Cloud ECS and WordPress.
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Setting up a Server Cluster for Enterprise Web Apps – Part 2
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Setting Up a Server Cluster for Enterprise Web Apps – Part 1
In this three-part tutorial, we will discover how to set up a server cluster using Alibaba Cloud ECS and WordPress.
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Setting Up a Server Cluster for Enterprise Web Apps – Part 1