POET : Padding Oracle Exploit Tool

简介: Practical Padding Oracle AttacksAt Eurocrypt 2002, Vaudenay introduced a powerful side-channel ...

Practical Padding Oracle Attacks

At Eurocrypt 2002, Vaudenay introduced a powerful side-channel attack, which is called padding oracle attack, against CBC-mode encryption. By giving an oracle which on receipt of a ciphertext, decrypting it and then replying to the sender whether the padding is correct or not, he shows that is possible to efficiently decrypt data without knowing the encryption key. In this paper, we turn the padding oracle attack into a new set of practical web hacking techniques.

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Flickr offers a relatively comprehensive web-service API that allows programmers to build applications which could perform virtually any functionality a Flickr internet site can do. Users need to be authenticated while using Flickr Authentication API. Any applications wishing to use the Flickr Authentication API must have already obtained a Flickr’s API Key. An 8-byte extended ‘shared secret’ for ones API Key is then issued by Flickr and can not be changed by the users. This secret is applied during the signing process, that is certainly required for all API calls utilizing an authentication token. This advisory describes a vulnerability during the signing process that allows an attacker to build valid signatures with out knowing the shared secret. By exploiting this vulnerability, an attacker can send valid arbitrary requests on behalf of any computer software utilizing Flickr’s API

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Web App开发 Oracle 关系型数据库
安全 算法 Oracle
2010年度最有技术含量攻击:Padding Oracle Attack
本文目的 向非安全方向的技术人员,特别是软件架构师介绍Padding Oracle的基本原理及其危害,以避免无意中在软件设计和技术选型过程里留下安全隐患。 Padding Oracle Attack的一些背景资料 这个攻击引起广泛关注是在今年5月的ekoparty安全会议上,两位安全工程师Julinao Rizzo和Thai Duong共同发表了一篇名为Practical Padding Oracle Attacks的论文。
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