更改以创建镜像的属性 glance image-update img-uuid --property architecture=arm --property
Commercial Interest Reference Rates
canonical maintain
gunzip -cd windows_server_2012_r2_standard_eval_hyperv_20131031.vhd.gz | \
glance image-create --property hypervisor_type=hyperv --name "Windows Server 2012 R2 Std Eval" \
--container-format bare --disk-format vhd
auto_disk_config=True is set as a property on the image in the image registry (Compute service automatically adjusts the partition
and file system for your instance on boot)
and file system for your instance on boot)
sudo yum install libguestfs-tools
On Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install libguestfs-tools
Open a disk image:
guestfish --ro -i -a disk.img
1, use `qemu-img` create empty image
qemu-img create -f qcow2 /data/ruiy-centos-6.4.qcow2 15G

2, use virt-install start up a virtual machine

virsh vncdisplay VMI_id

permission defined
权限对ssh password less的正确配置是至关重要的
如果权限配置不正确,你的ssh password less是搞不定 的!