Pnig0s p.s: Last Version
must use this with Brup suite's enumerate wsdl function~
- require 'rubygems'
- require 'savon'
- require 'nokogiri'
- class CustomMenuItem
- def enum_wsdl(rhost)
- client ="#{rhost}")
- # Comment out the client.http.auth.basic line below if not required.
- client.http.auth.basic("guest", "guest")
- client.http.proxy = ""
- if (client.respond_to?('wsdl')) and (client.wsdl.respond_to?('soap_actions'))
- puts("\n\e[1m\e[35m-{*}-\e[0m List of available action(s):" + "\n")
- client.wsdl.soap_actions.each do |action|
- puts("\n\e[1m\e[32m-{+}-\e[0m #{action}" + "\n")
- end
- end
- rescue => $!
- puts("\e[1;31m-{-}-\e[0m #{$!}")
- end
- def parse_wsdl(wsdl)
- wsdl_element_hash = {}
- doc = Nokogiri::XML(wsdl)
- msg = doc.xpath("//wsdl:message")
- test_m1 = nil
- test_m2 = nil
- msg.each do |m|
- m1 = m.to_s.match(/name="(.*)Request"/)
- m2 = m.to_s.match(/name="(.*)" type="(.*)"/)
- test_m1 = m1.kind_of?(MatchData) ? m1[1] : nil
- test_m2 = m2.kind_of?(MatchData) ? m2[1] : nil
- if !test_m1.nil? and !test_m2.nil?
- wsdl_element_hash[test_m1] = test_m2
- end
- end
- return wsdl_element_hash
- end
- def form_request(rhost)
- client ="#{rhost}")
- client.http.auth.basic("guest", "guest")
- client.http.proxy = ""
- # The old version had leveraged a ".to_xml" method versus the more curent ".xml"
- wsdl = client.wsdl.xml
- wsdl_hash = parse_wsdl(wsdl)
- client.wsdl.soap_actions.each {|itm|
- if wsdl_hash.has_key?(itm.to_s.lower_camelcase)
- begin
- k = ":" + "#{itm}"
- v = ":" + "#{wsdl_hash[itm.to_s.lower_camelcase]}"
- eval("client.request #{k} do
- soap.body = { #{v} => 101 }
- end")
- rescue
- end
- end
- }
- end
- def menu_item_clicked(*params)
- menu_item_caption, message_info = params
- message_info.each do |itm|
- if menu_item_caption == "enumerate wsdl"
- enum_wsdl(itm.url)
- elsif menu_item_caption == "form SOAP request"
- form_request(itm.url)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- $burp.registerMenuItem("enumerate wsdl",
- $burp.registerMenuItem("form SOAP request",