基于OHCI的USB主机 —— 中断向量处理

使用芯片提供的例程,中断向量处理程序也非常简单。在上面的 AIC 中断配置中,中断产生不是直接调用用于处理中断事务的函数,而是调用一个用汇编语言编写的函数,该函数主要功能是在中断处理函数调用前后,完成寄存器现场的保护和恢复。
;-         ATMEL Microcontroller Software Support  -  ROUSSET  -
; The software is delivered "AS IS" without warranty or condition of any
; kind, either express, implied or statutory. This includes without
; limitation any warranty or condition with respect to merchantability or
; fitness for any particular purpose, or against the infringements of
; intellectual property rights of others.
;- File source          : arm_isr.s
;- Object               : Example of IT handler calling a C function
;- Compilation flag     : None
;- 1.0 26/11/02      FB  : Creation ARM ADS
       AREA        itHandler, CODE, READONLY
;- LISR vector handler for system peripherals
;- This macro save the context, call the LISR dispatch routine, and restore
;- the context
    INCLUDE   AT91RM9200.inc
;- ARM Core Mode and Status Bits
ARM_MODE_USER           EQU     0x10
ARM_MODE_FIQ            EQU     0x11
ARM_MODE_IRQ            EQU     0x12
ARM_MODE_SVC            EQU     0x13
ARM_MODE_ABORT          EQU     0x17
ARM_MODE_UNDEF          EQU     0x1B
ARM_MODE_SYS            EQU     0x1F
I_BIT                   EQU     0x80
F_BIT                   EQU     0x40
T_BIT                   EQU     0x20
;- IRQ Entry
       IRQ_ENTRY   $reg
;- Adjust and save LR_irq in IRQ stack
      sub         r14, r14, #4
       stmfd       sp!, {r14}
;- Write in the IVR to support Protect Mode
;- No effect in Normal Mode
;- De-assert the NIRQ and clear the source in Protect Mode
       ldr         r14, =AT91C_BASE_AIC
       str         r14, [r14, #AIC_IVR]
;- Save SPSR and r0 in IRQ stack
       mrs         r14, SPSR
       stmfd       sp!, {r0, r14}
;- Enable Interrupt and Switch in SYS Mode
       mrs         r0, CPSR
       bic         r0, r0, #I_BIT
       orr         r0, r0, #ARM_MODE_SYS
       msr         CPSR_c, r0
;- Save scratch/used registers and LR in User Stack
       IF  "$reg" = ""
       stmfd       sp!, { r1-r3, r12, r14}
       stmfd       sp!, { r1-r3, $reg, r12, r14}
;- IRQ Exit
; ---------
       IRQ_EXIT    $reg
;- Restore scratch/used registers and LR from User Stack
      IF  "$reg" = ""
       ldmia       sp!, { r1-r3, r12, r14}
       ldmia       sp!, { r1-r3, $reg, r12, r14}
;- Disable Interrupt and switch back in IRQ mode
       mrs         r0, CPSR
       bic         r0, r0, #ARM_MODE_SYS
       orr         r0, r0, #I_BIT:OR:ARM_MODE_IRQ
       msr         CPSR_c, r0
;- Mark the End of Interrupt on the AIC
       ldr         r0, =AT91C_BASE_AIC
       str         r0, [r0, #AIC_EOICR]
;- Restore SPSR_irq and r0 from IRQ stack
       ldmia       sp!, {r0, r14}
       msr         SPSR_cxsf, r14
;- Restore adjusted  LR_irq from IRQ stack directly in the PC
       ldmia       sp!, {pc}^
; AT91F_ASM_UHP_Handler
; ---------------------
;       Handler called by the AIC
;      Save context
;       Call C handler
    Restore context
       EXPORT AT91F_ASM_UHP_Handler
       IMPORT AT91F_UHP_Handler
       ldr     r1, =AT91F_UHP_Handler
       mov     r14, pc
       bx      r1

本文转自 tywali 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/lancelot/261143,如需转载请自行联系原作者

