1 Introduction
1 简介
Wicket has been around since 2004 and it has been an Apache project since 2007. During these years it has proved to be a solid and valuable solution for building enterprise web applications.
Wicket 在2004 年的时候就诞生了, 并且在 2007 年的时候成为了Apache 的一个项目。这些年来Wicket 被设计来提供稳定的,有价值的企业级解决web application解决方案。
Wicket core developers have done a wonderful job with this framework and they continue to improve it release after release. However Wicket never provided a freely available documentation and even if you can find on Internet many live examples and many technical articles on it (most of them at Wicket Library and at Wicket in Action ), the lack of an organized and freely available documentation has always been a sore point for this framework.
Wicket 主要开发人员为这个框架做了非常好的工作,并且一个版本接着一个版本的提高优化它。但是Wicket从来都没有提供一个freely available文档甚至就连网络上都很难找到一个完整的值得参考的实例和文章(大部分来自于Wicket Libiary和Wicket Action 网站),缺少系统的freely available 文档一直是这个框架的一个软肋。
That's quite an issue because many other popular frameworks (like Spring, Hibernate or Struts) offer a vast and very good documentation which substantially contributed to their success. This document is not intended to be a complete reference for Wicket but it simply aims to be a straight forward introduction to the framework that should significantly reduce its learning curve. What you will find here reflects my experience with Wicket and it's strictly focused on the framework. The various Wicket-related topics are gradually introduced using pragmatic examples of code that you can find in the according repository on Github.
However remember that Wicket is a vast and powerful tool, so you should feel confident with the topics exposed in this document before starting to code your real applications!
For those who need further documentation on Wicket, there are many good books available for this framework.
Hope you'll find this guide helpful. Have fun with Wicket!
Andrea Del Bene, adelbene@apache.org
PS: this guide is based on Wicket 6. However if you are using an older version you should find this guide useful as well, but it's likely that the code and the snippets won't work with your version.
补充:这篇文档是根据Wicket 6所写。但是这同样适用于更老一些的版本,不过值得注意的是,源码并无法在更老版本的Wicket上运行。
PPS: although I've tried to do my best working on this tutorial, this document is a work in progress and may contain errors and/or omissions. That's why any feedback of any kind is REALLY appreciated!
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