select *
from table
where T_table_ID in
select distinct s.t_table_id
select distinct a.t_table_id,a.bt
(select left(bt,4) as bbt,* from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0) a,
(select distinct left(bt,4) as bbt,t_table_id from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0) b
where b.bbt like a.bbt and a.t_table_id<>b.t_table_id
and a.bbt not like '%aaaa%' and a.bbt not like '%bbbb%' and a.bbt not like '%cccc%'
and a.bbt not like '%dddd%' and a.bbt not like '%eeee%' and a.bbt not like '%ffff%'
and a.bbt not like '%aaaa%' and a.bbt not like '%bbbb%' and a.bbt not like '%cccc%'
and a.bbt not like '%dddd%' and a.bbt not like '%eeee%' and a.bbt not like '%ffff%'
-- order by a.bt
union all
select distinct a.t_table_id,a.bt
(select right(bt,5) as bbt,* from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0) a,
(select distinct right(bt,5) as bbt,t_table_id from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0) b
where b.bbt like a.bbt and a.t_table_id<>b.t_table_id
and a.bbt not like '%aaaa%' and a.bbt not like '%bbbb%' and a.bbt not like '%cccc%'
and a.bbt not like '%dddd%' and a.bbt not like '%eeee%' and a.bbt not like '%ffff%'
and a.bbt not like '%aaaa%' and a.bbt not like '%bbbb%' and a.bbt not like '%cccc%'
and a.bbt not like '%dddd%' and a.bbt not like '%eeee%' and a.bbt not like '%ffff%'
and a.bbt not like '%'+(select right(convert(varchar(10),getdate()-1,20),2)+')') +'%'
and b.bbt not like '%'+(select right(convert(varchar(10),getdate()-1,20),2)+')') +'%'
) s
)order by bt
select left(bt,4) as bbt,* from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0
select distinct left(bt,4) as bbt,t_table_id from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0
with temp1 as
(select left(bt,4) as bbt,* from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0),
temp2 as
(select distinct left(bt,4) as bbt,t_table_id from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0),
temp3 as
(select left(bt,5) as bbt,* from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0),
temp4 as
(select distinct left(bt,5) as bbt,t_table_id from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0)
print convert(varchar,getdate(),9)
select left(bt,4) as bbt,* into #temp1 from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0
select distinct left(bt,4) as bbt,t_table_id into #temp2 from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0
select right(bt,5) as bbt,* into #temp3 from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0
select distinct right(bt,5) as bbt,t_table_id into #temp4 from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0
(select ms from xtclb where dm=lmxz and lb in (130,131) ) as '栏目选择',
from table
where T_table_ID in
select distinct s.t_table_id
select distinct a.t_table_id,a.bt
#temp1 a,
#temp2 b
where b.bbt like a.bbt and a.t_table_id<>b.t_table_id
and a.bbt not in ('aaaa','bbbb','cccc','dddd','eeee','ffff')
and b.bbt not in ('aaaa','bbbb','cccc','dddd','eeee','ffff')
union all
select distinct a.t_table_id,a.bt
#temp3 a,
#temp4 b
where b.bbt like a.bbt and a.t_table_id<>b.t_table_id
and a.bbt not like '%aaaa%' and a.bbt not like '%bbbb%' and a.bbt not like '%cccc%'
and a.bbt not like '%dddd%' and a.bbt not like '%eeee%' and a.bbt not like '%ffff%'
and a.bbt not like '%'+(select right(convert(varchar(10),getdate()-1,20),2)+')') +'%'
and a.bbt not like '%aaaa%' and a.bbt not like '%bbbb%' and a.bbt not like '%cccc%'
and a.bbt not like '%dddd%' and a.bbt not like '%eeee%' and a.bbt not like '%ffff%'
and b.bbt not like '%'+(select right(convert(varchar(10),getdate()-1,20),2)+')') +'%'
) s
)order by bt
--OPTION (loop join);
print convert(varchar,getdate(),9)
drop table #temp1
drop table #temp2
drop table #temp3
drop table #temp4
select *
from table
where T_table_ID in
select distinct s.t_table_id
select distinct a.t_table_id,a.bt
(select left(bt,4) as bbt,* from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0) a,
(select distinct left(bt,4) as bbt,t_table_id from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0) b
where b.bbt like a.bbt and a.t_table_id<>b.t_table_id
and a.bbt not like '%aaaa%' and a.bbt not like '%bbbb%' and a.bbt not like '%cccc%'
and a.bbt not like '%dddd%' and a.bbt not like '%eeee%' and a.bbt not like '%ffff%'
and a.bbt not like '%aaaa%' and a.bbt not like '%bbbb%' and a.bbt not like '%cccc%'
and a.bbt not like '%dddd%' and a.bbt not like '%eeee%' and a.bbt not like '%ffff%'
-- order by a.bt
union all
select distinct a.t_table_id,a.bt
(select right(bt,5) as bbt,* from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0) a,
(select distinct right(bt,5) as bbt,t_table_id from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0) b
where b.bbt like a.bbt and a.t_table_id<>b.t_table_id
and a.bbt not like '%aaaa%' and a.bbt not like '%bbbb%' and a.bbt not like '%cccc%'
and a.bbt not like '%dddd%' and a.bbt not like '%eeee%' and a.bbt not like '%ffff%'
and a.bbt not like '%aaaa%' and a.bbt not like '%bbbb%' and a.bbt not like '%cccc%'
and a.bbt not like '%dddd%' and a.bbt not like '%eeee%' and a.bbt not like '%ffff%'
and a.bbt not like '%'+(select right(convert(varchar(10),getdate()-1,20),2)+')') +'%'
and b.bbt not like '%'+(select right(convert(varchar(10),getdate()-1,20),2)+')') +'%'
) s
)order by bt
select left(bt,4) as bbt,* from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0
select distinct left(bt,4) as bbt,t_table_id from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0
with temp1 as
(select left(bt,4) as bbt,* from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0),
temp2 as
(select distinct left(bt,4) as bbt,t_table_id from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0),
temp3 as
(select left(bt,5) as bbt,* from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0),
temp4 as
(select distinct left(bt,5) as bbt,t_table_id from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0)
print convert(varchar,getdate(),9)
select left(bt,4) as bbt,* into #temp1 from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0
select distinct left(bt,4) as bbt,t_table_id into #temp2 from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0
select right(bt,5) as bbt,* into #temp3 from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0
select distinct right(bt,5) as bbt,t_table_id into #temp4 from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0
(select ms from xtclb where dm=lmxz and lb in (130,131) ) as '栏目选择',
from table
where T_table_ID in
select distinct s.t_table_id
select distinct a.t_table_id,a.bt
#temp1 a,
#temp2 b
where b.bbt like a.bbt and a.t_table_id<>b.t_table_id
and a.bbt not in ('aaaa','bbbb','cccc','dddd','eeee','ffff')
and b.bbt not in ('aaaa','bbbb','cccc','dddd','eeee','ffff')
union all
select distinct a.t_table_id,a.bt
#temp3 a,
#temp4 b
where b.bbt like a.bbt and a.t_table_id<>b.t_table_id
and a.bbt not like '%aaaa%' and a.bbt not like '%bbbb%' and a.bbt not like '%cccc%'
and a.bbt not like '%dddd%' and a.bbt not like '%eeee%' and a.bbt not like '%ffff%'
and a.bbt not like '%'+(select right(convert(varchar(10),getdate()-1,20),2)+')') +'%'
and a.bbt not like '%aaaa%' and a.bbt not like '%bbbb%' and a.bbt not like '%cccc%'
and a.bbt not like '%dddd%' and a.bbt not like '%eeee%' and a.bbt not like '%ffff%'
and b.bbt not like '%'+(select right(convert(varchar(10),getdate()-1,20),2)+')') +'%'
) s
)order by bt
--OPTION (loop join);
print convert(varchar,getdate(),9)
drop table #temp1
drop table #temp2
drop table #temp3
drop table #temp4