QTP:General Error while saving the test 的解决方法

简介: 首次保存录制的脚本时,弹出“General Error while saving the test”,解决办法如下: 方法一: 1、在c:\windows\system32下找是否有scrrun.

首次保存录制的脚本时,弹出“General Error while saving the test”,解决办法如下:

2、然后在cmd下执行命令:regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\scrrun.dll


Step 1: Just copy following codes into one file, and save it as .vbs

Dim fso, MyFile
Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set MyFile = fso.CreateTextFile("C:\testfile.txt",True)
MyFile.WriteLine("This is a test")
MyFile.WriteLine("This is another test")

Step 2: Open CMD, and navigate to the folder you saved this file. Then input cscript xxxx.vbs

Step 3: Check the result, you will get the information like "ActiveX component can not create object"

Step 4: Search scrrun.dll file beneath system32, make sure it is exist

Step 5: run "regsvr32 C:\windows\system32\scrrun.dll" on CMD

Step 6: Re-check that vbscript file, there should be ok

Done. Now you can save the test script in your QTP. As we can see, this error was caused by the OS configuration.As I mentioned previously, in this company, illegal software can be used, so actually, OS, windows XP is also one crack version. And I think this error can not be happened on legal OS.

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