EBS 中merge patch的一些限制


关于merge patch的一些限制:

In general, you can safely merge any Oracle Applications patch with any other Oracle
Applications patch. Older split driver patches can be merged with newer unified
driver patches. Patches can and should be merged with their listed prerequisite
patches to make patch application easier.
Note: AD Merge Patch cannot merge patches of different releases,
different parallel modes, or different platforms. However, it can
merge patches for a specific platform. with a generic patch, or
patches with different source character sets. AD Merge Patch
notifies you if you try to merge incompatible patches.
However, patches that affect the Applications DBA (AD) product must be handled
separately. AD patches can be merged with other AD patches, but AD patches and
non-AD patches cannot be merged because AD patches may change the AutoPatch
utility itself. Merged AD patches must be created separately and applied before you
apply non-AD patches.
When merging patches on systems that use languages other than American English,
different considerations apply.
本文转自ITPUB博客tolywang的博客,原文链接:EBS 中merge patch的一些限制,如需转载请自行联系原博主。
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