一台主机上安装Oracle DB和EBS R12.2.0,然后升级到R12.2.3 (~ @ ~正在安装时 R12.2.4 发布了)
当安装 R12.2.0时,进行到post-install check部分,出现错误,Virtual Directory , JSP, Login Page
vi /u01/db/VIS/fs1/inst/apps/VIS_szxft101db06/logs/08201230.log
Virtual Directory
checking URL = http://szt01db06.hw.com:8005/OA_MEDIA/FNDLOGOL.gif
RW-50016: Error: - {0} was not created:
File = {1} checking URL = http://szt01db06.hw.com:8005/OA_JAVA/oracle/apps/fnd/admin/server/server.xml
RW-50016: Error: - {0} was not created:
File = {1} checking URL = http://szt01db06.hw.com:8005/OA_CGI/FNDWRR.exe
RW-50016: Error: - {0} was not created:
File = {1}
checking URL = http://szt01db06.hw.com:8005/OA_HTML/jtfTestCookie.jsp
JSP is not responding, waiting 15 seconds and retesting.
JSP is not responding, waiting 15 seconds and retesting.
JSP is not responding
Login Page
checking URL = http://szt01db06.hw.com:8005/OA_HTML/AppsLogin
RW-50016: Error: - {0} was not created:
File = {1}
A. R 12.1.1: Fresh Install Rapidwiz POST Install check is failing for several checks with error RW-50016: Error: - {0} was not created ( ID
---- 检查了所有文件的MD5代码,和源下载文件的MD5 code一样 ,没有问题。
B. 12.2 FNDWRR.exe Not Created During R12.2 Install Failing with RW-50016 (文档 ID 1681415.1)
--- 检查rpm 所有文件都是满足的。 执行命令 : adrelink.sh force=y "fnd FNDWRR.exe", 不能解决问题。
本文转自ITPUB博客tolywang的博客,原文链接:R12.2.0 post install checks error : RW-50016: Error: - {0} was not created - 1,如需转载请自行联系原博主。