安装EBS前期检查工具 - RDA - Health Check / Validation Engine Guide


参考文档        RDA - Health Check / Validation Engine Guide (文档 ID 250262.1)

先下载 RDA 补丁包。   Download HCVE/RDA  
安装RDA : 
tar xvf rda.tar
gunzip rda.tar.gz
tar xvf rda.tar
unzip rda.zip
Note:  Each rda package (.zip, .tar, and .tar.gz) will  create a directory  named "  rda " containing all files for you when you extract it.

Make sure the RDA command (rda.sh and rda.pl, noted as  from now on) is executable. To verify, enter the following command:

chmod +x 

进入rda目录, 运行RDA (unix下一般是rda.sh): 

[applmgr@soatest rda]$ ./rda.sh  -T  hcve  

本文转自ITPUB博客tolywang的博客,原文链接:安装EBS前期检查工具 - RDA - Health Check / Validation Engine Guide,如需转载请自行联系原博主。

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