Microsoft Ajax Library是微软提供的一套基于客户端的Ajax js库,通过在页面中添加ScriptManager控件可以管理这些脚本和任何自定义的脚本。
MS Ajax Library有一些功能:
- 向js中添加了面向对象的功能,可以使用类、命名空间、继承等组织js代码。
- 反射功能,在运行时检查客户脚本的结构和组件。
- 枚举
- 扩展了JS的基类型,缩短开发时间
- 更好的调试和跟踪功能。
Type 类为 JavaScript 编程添加了命名空间、类和继承等面向对象的功能。任何使用 Type 类注册的 JavaScript 对象都会自动获得访问此功能的权限。
//注册命名空间 Type.registerNamespace("Demo"); //为命名空间添加Person类,后面的方法为Person的构造函数 Demo.Person = function (firstName, lastName, emailAddress) { this._firstName = firstName; this._lastName = lastName; this._emailAddress = emailAddress; } //Person类的方法 Demo.Person.prototype = { getFirstName: function () { return this._firstName; }, getLastName: function () { return this._lastName; }, getEmailAddress: function () { return this._emailAddress; }, setEmailAddress: function (emailAddress) { this._emailAddress = emailAddress; }, getName: function () { return this._firstName + ' ' + this._lastName; }, dispose: function () { alert('bye ' + this.getName()); }, sendMail: function () { var emailAddress = this.getEmailAddress(); if (emailAddress.indexOf('@') < 0) { emailAddress = emailAddress + ''; } alert('Sending mail to ' + emailAddress + ' ...'); }, toString: function () { return this.getName() + ' (' + this.getEmailAddress() + ')'; } } //注册类Demo.Person Demo.Person.registerClass('Demo.Person', null, Sys.IDisposable); //定义Employee类 Demo.Employee = function (firstName, lastName, emailAddress, team, title) { Demo.Employee.initializeBase(this, [firstName, lastName, emailAddress]); this._team = team; this._title = title; } //Employee类的方法 Demo.Employee.prototype = { getTeam: function () { return this._team; }, setTeam: function (team) { this._team = team; }, getTitle: function () { return this._title; }, setTitle: function (title) { this._title = title; }, toString: function () { return Demo.Employee.callBaseMethod(this, 'toString') + '\r\n' + this.getTitle() + '\r\n' + this.getTeam(); } } //注册Demo.Employee类,并指定其继承自Demo.Person类 Demo.Employee.registerClass('Demo.Employee', Demo.Person);
var person = new Demo.Person('Jack', 'Smith', ''); alert(person.getEmailAddress()); var employee = new Demo.Employee('Jack', 'Smith', '', 'Web Dev', ''); alert(employee.getTeam());
//注册接口 Demo.Trees.IFruitTree.registerInterface('Demo.Trees.IFruitTree');
//使用接口 //类Demo.Trees.FruitTree继承了Demo.Trees.Tree,并实现了接口Demo.Trees.IFruitTree Demo.Trees.FruitTree.registerClass('Demo.Trees.FruitTree', Demo.Trees.Tree, Demo.Trees.IFruitTree);
//注册命名空间 Type.registerNamespace("Demo"); //定义枚举类型 Demo.Color = function () { }; Demo.Color.prototype = { Red: 0xFF0000, Blue: 0x0000FF, Green: 0x00FF00, White: 0xFFFFFF } //注册枚举类型 Demo.Color.registerEnum("Demo.Color"); //用法 var color = Demo.Color.Red;
反射是指在运行时检查程序的结构和组件的能力。实现反射的 API 是对 Type 类的扩展。通过这些方法,可以收集有关对象的信息,例如该对象继承自谁,它是否实现特定的接口,以及它是否是特定类的实例等。
var g = new Demo.Trees.GreenApple(); var gt = Demo.Trees.GreenApple; var a = new Array( Demo.Trees.Apple, Demo.Trees.Tree, Demo.Trees.Pine, Demo.Trees.IFruitTree, Sys.IContainer); function OnButton1Click() { for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { //是否为某一类型的实例 if (a[i].isInstanceOfType(g)) { alert(gt.getName() + " is a " + a[i].getName() + "."); } else alert(gt.getName() + " is not a " + a[i].getName() + "."); } } function OnButton2Click() { for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { //是否继承自某一类型 if (gt.inheritsFrom(a[i])) { alert(gt.getName() + " inherits from " + a[i].getName() + "."); } else alert(gt.getName() + " does not inherit from " + a[i].getName() + "."); } } function OnButton3Click() { for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { //判断类型是否为接口 if (Type.isInterface(a[i])) { //判断对象是否实现了接口 if (gt.implementsInterface(a[i])) { alert(gt.getName() + " implements the " + a[i].getName() + " interface."); } else alert(gt.getName() + " does not implement the " + a[i].getName() + " interface."); } else alert(a[i].getName() + " is not an interface."); } } 本文转自齐师傅博客园博客,原文链接:,如需转载请自行联系原作者