鉴于这个问题是个很常见的需求,我用E文详细描述的其实现的原理和过程,并附有完整的实现代码,发表在ADN DevBlog上,大家可以到那边去看。
Set filter for layer at runtime in Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server or MapGuide Enterprise
When developing application on Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server, you may want to apply a filter to a layer to hide some features. In this post, I will demonstrate how to do this programmatically.
How to do in Infrastructure Studio UI
Firstly, let’s take a look how we can do the same using Infrastructure Studio UI. Open the layer in Infrastructure Studio, you will notice that you can set filter for layer by setting “Filter applied to data”, click the “…” button to open the expression editor, which helps you create filter string more easier. In this case, I set a filter for parcels layer:
Autogenerated_SDF_ID > 10000
If you save the changes and click “refresh” button in layer preview, you will notice that the layer is filtered.