How to Create Infoset Query (SAP Query)


Steps on how to proceed to create a Query:


A query can be created to extract information from master records  i.e  Infotypes.  For example, by creating a query , the data relating to an employee contained in various Infotypes can be extracted.

Proceedure :   
Decide on  the various Infotypes we  want to make the query.  Decide on the area where we  want to query  i.e  Global area or Standard area.  Standard area is client specific and globel area will include all clients.

Menu : HR – PM – Admn -  Information System -  Adhoc Query

Select area standard and select the  user group already created

Creation of new query  :   
TC SQ03  -  Select Environment – Select Standard Area -  Enter  --  If new user group is to be created, enter name of the user group, click on create and enter necessary information and  exit after saving

TC SQ02  -  Enter name of the Infoset – Create – enter name of Infoset -  Data source -- >  Table join by basis table – give name of table e.g  pa0000 -  Enter -  Click on insert table if we  want to include more tables – give name of table one by one and after finishing,  place cursor on the joining lines and right click to delete unwanted relationships  - check  - and go back  - field groups  -  include all table fields  - click on generate button   -  go out

TC SQ03  -  Select user group  -   eg.  Payroll

Infoset  - Enter name of newly created Infoset 

Assign users and Infosets  -  Assign infosets  -  put tick on payroll  - save and go back

TC  PAAH  -  Expand the nodes and put tick on relevant fields depending upon necessity

Save the query  by giving the same name as infoset for easyness..



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