[CareerCup] 4.2 Route between Two Nodes in Directed Graph 有向图中两点的路径


4.2 Given a directed graph, design an algorithm to find out whether there is a route between two nodes.

LeetCode和CareerCup中关于图的题都不是很多,LeetCode中只有三道,分别是Clone Graph 无向图的复制Course Schedule 课程清单 和 Course Schedule II 课程清单之二。目前看来CareerCup中有关图的题在第四章中仅此一道,这是一道关于有向图的题,书中是用java来做的,我们用c++来做时要定义图和节点,这里参考了之前那道Clone Graph 无向图的复制中关于无向图的定义,并且在里面加入了一个枚举类变量state,来帮助我们遍历。这种找两点之间路径的题就是遍历的问题,可以用BFS或DFS来解,先来看BFS的解法,如下所示:

//Definition for directed graph.
enum State {
    Unvisited, Visited, Visiting
struct DirectedGraphNode {
   int label;
   State state;
   vector<DirectedGraphNode *> neighbors;
   DirectedGraphNode(int x) : label(x) {};
struct DirectedGraph {
    vector<DirectedGraphNode*> nodes;
class Solution {
    bool search(DirectedGraph *g, DirectedGraphNode *start, DirectedGraphNode *end) {
        queue<DirectedGraphNode*> q;
        for (auto a : g->nodes) a->state = Unvisited;
        start->state = Visiting;
        while (!q.empty()) {
            DirectedGraphNode *node = q.front(); q.pop();
            for (auto a : node->neighbors) {
                if (a->state == Unvisited) {
                    if (a == end) return true;
                    else {
                        a->state = Visiting;
            node->state = Visited;
        return false;

本文转自博客园Grandyang的博客,原文链接:有向图中两点的路径[CareerCup] 4.2 Route between Two Nodes in Directed Graph ,如需转载请自行联系原博主。

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