在C++和java中都有枚举enum这个关键字,但是它们之间又不太一样。对于C++来说,枚举是一系列命名了的整型常量,而且从枚举值转化为对应的整型值是在内部进行的。而对于Java来说,枚举更像一个类的命名的实例,你可以自定义枚举的成员,枚举值转化为对应的整型值是再外部进行的。下面以我之前的一篇博客8.1 Implement Blackjack 实现21点纸牌来说明,里面有一个扑克牌花色的枚举类:
// C++ defination enum Suit {Club, Diamond, Heart, Spade}; // Java defination public enum Suit { Club(0), Diamond(1), Heart(2), Spade(3); private int _value; private Suit(int v) { _value = v; }; public int getValue() { return _value; }; public static Suit getSuitFromValue(int value) {}; // ... };
enum Suit { Diamonds, Hearts, Clubs, Spades }; // 0, 1, 2, 3 enum Suit { Diamonds = 1, Hearts, Clubs, Spades }; // 1, 2, 3, 4 enum Suit { Diamonds = 5, Hearts, Clubs = 4, Spades }; // 5, 6, 4, 5
对于C++来说除了enum关键字,还有一个enum class关键字,这个是枚举类,它和枚举的区别是枚举名称是局部的,而且并不会在内部转换成其他类型,比如整型。下面这段代码很好的说明了两者的区别:
enum Color { red, green, blue }; // plain enum enum Card { red_card, green_card, yellow_card }; // another plain enum enum class Animal { dog, deer, cat, bird, human }; // enum class enum class Mammal { kangaroo, deer, human }; // another enum class void fun() { // examples of bad use of plain enums: Color color = Color::red; Card card = Card::green_card; int num = color; // no problem if (color == Card::red_card) // no problem (bad) cout << "bad" << endl; if (card == Color::green) // no problem (bad) cout << "bad" << endl; // examples of good use of enum classes (safe) Animal a = Animal::deer; Mammal m = Mammal::deer; int num2 = a; // error if (m == a) // error (good) cout << "bad" << endl; if (a == Mammal::deer) // error (good) cout << "bad" << endl; }