[CareerCup] 8.8 Othello Game 黑白棋游戏


8.8 Othello is played as follows: Each Othello piece is white on one side and black on the other. When a piece is surrounded by its opponents on both the left and right sides, or both the top and bottom, it is said to be captured and its color is flipped. On your turn, you must capture at least one of your opponent's pieces. The game ends when either user has no more valid moves. The win is assigned to the person with the most pieces. Implement the object-oriented design for Othello.


enum Direction { Left, Right, Up, Down };
enum Color { White, Black };
class Piece {
    Piece(Color c): _color(c) {}
    void flip() {
        if (_color == Color::Black) _color = Color::White;
        else _color = Color::Black;
    Color getColor() { return _color; }

    Color _color;

class Location {
    Location(int r, int c): _row(r), _col(c) {}
    bool isSameAs(int r, int c) {
        return _row == r && _col == c;
    int getRow() { return _row; }
    int getCol() { return _col; }
    int _row;
    int _col;

class Board {
    Board(int rows, int cols) {
        _board.resize(rows, vector<Piece*>(cols));
    void initialize() {
        int midRow = _board.size() / 2;
        int midCol = _board[midRow].size() / 2;
        _board[midRow][midCol] = new Piece(Color::White);
        _board[midRow + 1][midCol] = new Piece(Color::Black);
        _board[midRow + 1][midCol + 1] = new Piece(Color::White);
        _board[midRow][midCol + 1] = new Piece(Color::Black);
        _blackCnt = 2;
        _whiteCnt = 2;
    bool placeColor(int row, int col, Color color) {
        if (_board[row][col] != nullptr) {
            return false;
        vector<int> res(4, 0);
        res[0] = flipSection(row - 1, col, color, Direction::Up);
        res[1] = flipSection(row + 1, col, color, Direction::Down);
        res[2] = flipSection(row, col + 1, color, Direction::Right);
        res[3] = flipSection(row, col - 1, color, Direction::Left);
        int flipped = 0;
        for (auto a : res) {
            if (a > 0) flipped += a;
        if (flipped < 0) return false;
        _board[row][col] = new Piece(color);
        updateScore(color, flipped + 1);
        return true;
    int getScoreForColor(Color c) {
        if (c == Color::Black) return _blackCnt;
        else return _whiteCnt;
    void updateScore(Color newColor, int newPieces) {
        if (newColor == Color::Black) {
            _whiteCnt -= newPieces - 1;
            _blackCnt += newPieces;
        } else {
            _blackCnt -= newPieces - 1;
            _whiteCnt += newPieces;
    void printBoard() {
        for (int r = 0; r < _board.size(); ++r) {
            for (int c = 0; c < _board[r].size(); ++c) {
                if (_board[r][c] == nullptr) {
                    cout << "_";
                } else if (_board[r][c]->getColor() == Color::White) {
                    cout << "W";
                } else {
                    cout << "B";
            cout << endl;

    int _blackCnt = 0;
    int _whiteCnt = 0;
    vector<vector<Piece*> > _board;
    int flipSection(int row, int col, Color color, Direction d) {
        int r = 0, c = 0;
        switch (d) {
            case Direction::Up: r = -1; break;
            case Direction::Down: r = 1; break;
            case Direction::Left: c = -1; break;
            case Direction::Right: c = 1; break;
        if (row < 0 || row >= _board.size() || col < 0 || col >= _board[row].size() || _board[row][col] == nullptr) {
            return -1;
        if (_board[row][col]->getColor() == color) {
            return 0;
        int flipped = flipSection(row + r, col + c, color, d);
        if (flipped < 0) return -1;
        return flipped + 1;

class Player {
    Player(Color c): _color(c) {}
    int getScore() {
    } // ...
    bool playPiece(int r, int c) {
        return Game::getInstance()->getBoard()->placeColor(r, c, _color);

    Color _color;

class Game {
    static Game* getInstance() {
        if (_instance == nullptr) {
            _instance = new Game();
        return _instance;
    Board* getBoard() { return _board; }

    vector<Player*> _players;
    static Game *_instance;
    Board *_board;
    const int _ROWS = 10;
    const int _COLUMNS = 10;
    Game() {
        _board = new Board(_ROWS, _COLUMNS);
        _players.resize(2, nullptr);
        _players[0] = new Player(Color::Black);
        _players[1] = new Player(Color::White);

本文转自博客园Grandyang的博客,原文链接:黑白棋游戏[CareerCup] 8.8 Othello Game ,如需转载请自行联系原博主。

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给定一个从1 到 n 排序的整数列表。 首先,从左到右,从第一个数字开始,每隔一个数字进行删除,直到列表的末尾。 第二步,在剩下的数字中,从右到左,从倒数第一个数字开始,每隔一个数字进行删除,直到列表开头。 我们不断重复这两步,从左到右和从右到左交替进行,直到只剩下一个数字。 返回长度为 n 的列表中,最后剩下的数字。
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