test=# select generate_series(1,10) as id; id ---- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10 rows)
select now() + interval '3 day'; select now() - interval '3 day'; select now() + interval '1 hour'; select now() - interval '1 hour'; select now() + interval '10 minutes'; select now() - interval '10 minutes'; select now() + interval '5 days 3 hours'; select now() + interval '5 days' + interval '3 hours';
3.1.1 当前日期 current_date netkiller=> select current_date; date ------------ 2003-11-28 (1 row) netkiller=> 3.1.2 当前时间 current_time netkiller=> select current_time; timetz -------------------- 19:38:47.270235+08 (1 row) netkiller=> 3.1.3 当前日期时间 current_timestamp netkiller=> select current_timestamp; timestamptz ------------------------------- 2003-11-28 19:39:25.548505+08 (1 row) netkiller=> 3.1.4 除去时区 1. current_timestamp::timestamp (0) 2. current_timestamp::timestamp (0) without time zone; netkiller=> select current_timestamp::timestamp (0); timestamp --------------------- 2003-11-28 19:44:33 (1 row) netkiller=> netkiller=> select current_timestamp::timestamp (0) without time zone; timestamp --------------------- 2003-11-28 19:40:10 (1 row)
now() / clock_timestamp() 函数
select now(); SELECT clock_timestamp();
3.1.5 计算时间差 netkiller=> select to_date('2003-12-2','YYYY-MM-DD')-to_date('2003-12-1','YYYY-MM-DD'); ?column? ---------- 1 (1 row) netkiller=> netkiller=> select to_date('2003-12-2','YYYY-MM-DD')-to_date('2003-10-2','YYYY-MM-DD'); ?column? ---------- 61 (1 row) 3.1.6 计算时间和 netkiller=> select to_date('2003-12-6','yyyy-mm-dd')+12 ; ?column? ------------ 2003-12-18 (1 row) netkiller=> select to_date('2003-12-6','yyyy-mm-dd')+20 ; ?column? ------------ 2003-12-26 (1 row)
select count(*) as c, to_char(ctime, 'yyyy-mm') as dt from practice group by dt order by dt; select count(*) as c, to_char(ctime, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as dt from practice group by dt order by dt; select count(*) as c, to_char(ctime, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh') as dt from practice group by dt order by dt;
select extract (year from now()); select extract (month from now()); select extract (day from now()); select extract (day from timestamp '2013-06-03'); select extract (hour from now()); select extract (minute from now()); select extract (second from now()); select extract (week from now()); SELECT extract(century FROM now());
3.1.7 date_part netkiller=> select date_part('epoch', '2003-12-3 10:20:30' - timestamp '2003-12-1 02:00:00') ; date_part ----------- 202830 (1 row) netkiller=> select date_part('day', '2003-12-3 10:20:30' - timestamp '2003-12-1 02:00:00') ; date_part ----------- 2 (1 row) netkiller=> select date_part('hour', '2003-12-3 10:20:30' - timestamp '2003-12-1 02:00:00') ; date_part ----------- 8 (1 row) netkiller=>
create extension "uuid-ossp"; create table products (product_id uuid primary key default uuid_generate_v4());
$ ls -1 /usr/pgsql-9.3/share/extension/tablefunc* /usr/pgsql-9.3/share/extension/tablefunc--1.0.sql /usr/pgsql-9.3/share/extension/tablefunc.control /usr/pgsql-9.3/share/extension/tablefunc--unpackaged--1.0.sql
$ psql test psql (9.3.1) Type "help" for help. test=# create extension tablefunc; CREATE EXTENSION test=# \q
-- Table: account -- DROP TABLE account; CREATE TABLE account ( id SERIAL NOT NULL, name character varying(10) NOT NULL, -- 账号 balance money NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00, -- 余额 datetime timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT (now())::timestamp(0) without time zone, CONSTRAINT account_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE account OWNER TO dba; COMMENT ON COLUMN account.name IS '账号'; COMMENT ON COLUMN account.balance IS '余额'; -- Index: account_name_idx -- DROP INDEX account_name_idx; CREATE INDEX account_name_idx ON account USING btree (name COLLATE pg_catalog."default");
INSERT INTO account (id, name, balance, datetime) VALUES (1, 'Neo', '$0.00', '2013-10-09 10:51:10'); INSERT INTO account (id, name, balance, datetime) VALUES (2, 'Neo', '$12.60', '2013-10-09 10:51:22'); INSERT INTO account (id, name, balance, datetime) VALUES (3, 'Neo', '$200.00', '2013-10-09 10:11:52'); INSERT INTO account (id, name, balance, datetime) VALUES (4, 'Neo', '-$6.80', '2013-10-09 10:51:42'); INSERT INTO account (id, name, balance, datetime) VALUES (5, 'Neo', '$100.00', '2013-10-09 10:52:49'); INSERT INTO account (id, name, balance, datetime) VALUES (6, 'Jerry', '$200.00', '2013-10-09 10:56:35'); INSERT INTO account (id, name, balance, datetime) VALUES (7, 'Jerry', '$50.45', '2013-10-09 10:57:23'); INSERT INTO account (id, name, balance, datetime) VALUES (8, 'Jerry', '$75.50', '2013-10-09 10:57:31'); INSERT INTO account (id, name, balance, datetime) VALUES (9, 'Jerry', '-$55.30', '2013-10-09 10:59:28'); INSERT INTO account (id, name, balance, datetime) VALUES (10, 'Jerry', '-$200.00', '2013-10-09 10:59:44'); INSERT INTO account (id, name, balance, datetime) VALUES (11, 'Tom', '$5.00', '2013-10-15 13:26:19'); INSERT INTO account (id, name, balance, datetime) VALUES (12, 'Neo', '$50.60', '2013-10-15 13:26:34'); INSERT INTO account (id, name, balance, datetime) VALUES (13, 'Jerry', '$62.08', '2013-10-15 13:26:51'); INSERT INTO account (id, name, balance, datetime) VALUES (14, 'Tom', '$70.00', '2013-10-15 13:27:01'); INSERT INTO account (id, name, balance, datetime) VALUES (15, 'Neo', '-$20.56', '2013-10-15 13:27:19'); INSERT INTO account (id, name, balance, datetime) VALUES (16, 'Tom', '$70.00', '2013-10-16 13:27:01'); INSERT INTO account (id, name, balance, datetime) VALUES (17, 'Jerry', '$70.00', '2013-10-16 13:27:01'); INSERT INTO account (id, name, balance, datetime) VALUES (18, 'Jerry', '-$30.00', '2013-10-16 13:30:01'); INSERT INTO account (id, name, balance, datetime) VALUES (19, 'Neo', '-$30.00', '2013-10-16 13:35:01'); INSERT INTO account (id, name, balance, datetime) VALUES (20, 'Tom', '-$30.00', '2013-10-16 13:35:01');
SELECT * FROM crosstab('select datetime,name,balance from account order by 1,2','select name from account group by name order by 1') AS account(datetime timestamp, Jerry character varying, Neo character varying, Tom character varying);
datetime | jerry | neo | tom ---------------------+----------+---------+--------- 2013-10-09 10:11:52 | | $200.00 | 2013-10-09 10:51:10 | | $0.00 | 2013-10-09 10:51:22 | | $12.60 | 2013-10-09 10:51:42 | | -$6.80 | 2013-10-09 10:52:49 | | $100.00 | 2013-10-09 10:56:35 | $200.00 | | 2013-10-09 10:57:23 | $50.45 | | 2013-10-09 10:57:31 | $75.50 | | 2013-10-09 10:59:28 | -$55.30 | | 2013-10-09 10:59:44 | -$200.00 | | 2013-10-15 13:26:19 | | | $5.00 2013-10-15 13:26:34 | | $50.60 | 2013-10-15 13:26:51 | $62.08 | | 2013-10-15 13:27:01 | | | $70.00 2013-10-15 13:27:19 | | -$20.56 | 2013-10-16 13:27:01 | $70.00 | | $70.00 2013-10-16 13:30:01 | -$30.00 | | 2013-10-16 13:35:01 | | -$30.00 | -$30.00 (18 rows)
原文出处:Netkiller 系列 手札