
简介: R.XXX:是对资源表中对应资源位置的引用 Resource:可以通过getResources()获取Resource实例,并通过getResources().getText(R.string.XXX)等方法获取相应的资源对象;逐帧动画资源要通过AnimationResources获取 例如:An...


Resource:可以通过getResources()获取Resource实例,并通过getResources().getText(R.string.XXX)等方法获取相应的资源对象;逐帧动画资源要通过AnimationResources获取 例如:AnimationDrawable rocket=(AnimationDrawable)getResource().getDrawable(R.drawable.XXXX)

Java 数据库连接 mybatis
mybatis报错:The alias 'xxx' is already mapped to the value '*.*.xxx'
The alias 'xxx' is already mapped to the value '*.*.xxx'
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前端开发 API
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【API管理 APIM】APIM中如何配置使用URL路径的方式传递参数(如由test.htm?name=xxx 变为test\xxx)
Java 数据库
SpringBoot整合es7.x启动报错:Rejecting mapping update to [AAA] as the final mapping would have more than 1
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解决requried a bean of type xxx的问题(可能原因之一)
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【Java异常】feign.FeignException: status 400 reading xxx#xxxx(String); content:
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Java Spring
Java API Spring
A component required a bean named xxx that could not be found
A component required a bean named xxx that could not be found
A component required a bean named xxx that could not be found
Could not get resource ‘https://dl.google.com/dl/android/maven2/com/android/
Could not get resource ‘https://dl.google.com/dl/android/maven2/com/android/
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JavaScript 前端开发
【build your own xxx】实现你自己的bind函数
【build your own xxx】实现你自己的bind函数
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【build your own xxx】实现你自己的bind函数