解决requried a bean of type xxx的问题(可能原因之一)

简介: 解决requried a bean of type xxx的问题(可能原因之一)

比如我们定义的包名:com.ylw.app.service.something,如果我们把启动类放到了something包里面,可能会扫描不了启动类 所处包的其它上层结构的包,这个时候,只需:


Java 数据库连接 mybatis
mybatis报错:The alias 'xxx' is already mapped to the value '*.*.xxx'
The alias 'xxx' is already mapped to the value '*.*.xxx'
17801 0
前端开发 Java 数据库连接
Spring Boot 升级 3.2 报错 Invalid value type for attribute ‘factoryBeanObjectType‘: java.lang.String
Spring Boot 升级 3.2 报错 Invalid value type for attribute ‘factoryBeanObjectType‘: java.lang.String
Java Spring
No qualifying bean of type 'XXXXX' available
183 8
Java 数据库连接 mybatis
mybatis报错:Type handler was null on parameter mapping or property ‘__frch_xxx_0’
mybatis报错:Type handler was null on parameter mapping or property ‘__frch_xxx_0’
2128 0
mybatis报错:Type handler was null on parameter mapping or property ‘__frch_xxx_0’
Java 数据库连接 mybatis
mybatis报错Type interface xxx.Dao is not known to the MapperRegistry
mybatis报错Type interface xxx.Dao is not known to the MapperRegistry
Java API Spring
A component required a bean named xxx that could not be found
A component required a bean named xxx that could not be found
A component required a bean named xxx that could not be found
SQL Java 数据库连接
Could not find resource xxx/xxxx/xxx.xml报错解决
Could not find resource xxx/xxxx/xxx.xml报错解决
Could not find resource xxx/xxxx/xxx.xml报错解决
前端开发 网络安全
ssh项目出现Bean property 'xxx' is not writable or has an invalid setter method解决方案!
ssh项目出现Bean property 'xxx' is not writable or has an invalid setter method 的解决方案
303 0
ssh项目出现Bean property 'xxx' is not writable or has an invalid setter method解决方案!
Java 数据库连接 mybatis
MyBatis - Could not resolve type alias ‘XXX‘(实体类全局别名)
MyBatis - Could not resolve type alias ‘XXX‘(实体类全局别名)
282 0
Mybatis报错:There is no getter for property named ‘xxxx‘ in ‘class xxxx
Mybatis报错:There is no getter for property named ‘xxxx‘ in ‘class xxxx
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