OK335xS 网络连接打印信息 hacking

简介: /*********************************************************************** * OK335xS 网络连接打印信息 hacking * 说明: * 当我们插入网线的时候,经常会看到对应的网卡已连接,当前属于10M、 * 100M网卡工作状态等等信息,那么这些信息是如何被输出的,工作机制是什么, * 网卡的速度是由phy决定的还是由mac决定的,是不是在phy对应的中断里处理, * 等等,这些内容都需要去确认。
 *                 OK335xS 网络连接打印信息 hacking
 * 说明:
 *     当我们插入网线的时候,经常会看到对应的网卡已连接,当前属于10M、
 * 100M网卡工作状态等等信息,那么这些信息是如何被输出的,工作机制是什么,
 * 网卡的速度是由phy决定的还是由mac决定的,是不是在phy对应的中断里处理,
 * 等等,这些内容都需要去确认。
 *                                      2016-2-2 深圳 南山平山村 曾剑锋

 * 参考文章:
 *     Linux PHY几个状态的跟踪
 *         http://www.latelee.org/programming-under-linux/linux-phy-state.html

static const struct dev_pm_ops cpsw_pm_ops = {   <------+
    .suspend    = cpsw_suspend,                         |
    .resume        = cpsw_resume,                -----------+
};                                                      |   |
                                                        |   |
static struct platform_driver cpsw_driver = {       <---|-+ |
    .driver = {                                         | | |
        .name     = "cpsw",                             | | |
        .owner     = THIS_MODULE,                       | | |
        .pm     = &cpsw_pm_ops,               ----------+ | |
    },                                                    | |
    .probe = cpsw_probe,                                  | |
    .remove = __devexit_p(cpsw_remove),                   | |
};                                                        | |
                                                          | |
static int __init cpsw_init(void)                         | |
{                                                         | |
    return platform_driver_register(&cpsw_driver);   -----+ |
}                                                           |
late_initcall(cpsw_init);                                   |
static void __exit cpsw_exit(void)                          |
{                                                           |
    platform_driver_unregister(&cpsw_driver);               |
}                                                           |
module_exit(cpsw_exit);                                     |
MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");                                      |
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("TI CPSW Ethernet driver");              |
static int cpsw_resume(struct device *dev)       <----------+
    struct platform_device    *pdev = to_platform_device(dev);
    struct net_device    *ndev = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);

    cpsw_start_slaves_interface(ndev); ----+
    return 0;                              |
}                                          |
static inline void cpsw_start_slaves_interface(struct net_device *ndev)
    struct cpsw_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev);
    u32 i = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < priv->data.slaves; i++) {
        ndev = cpsw_get_slave_ndev(priv, i);
        if (netif_running(ndev))
            cpsw_ndo_open(ndev);           ----------+
    }                                                |
}                                                    |
static int cpsw_ndo_open(struct net_device *ndev) <--+
    struct cpsw_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev);
    int i, ret;
    u32 reg;

    if (!cpsw_common_res_usage_state(priv))

    if (priv->data.phy_control)

    reg = __raw_readl(&priv->regs->id_ver);
    priv->version = reg;

    msg(info, ifup, "initializing cpsw version %d.%d (%d)\n",
        (reg >> 8 & 0x7), reg & 0xff, (reg >> 11) & 0x1f);

    /* initialize host and slave ports */
    if (!cpsw_common_res_usage_state(priv))
    for_each_slave(priv, cpsw_slave_open, priv);          -----------+
    /* Add default VLAN */                                           |
    cpsw_add_default_vlan(priv);                                     |
    if (!cpsw_common_res_usage_state(priv)) {                        |
        ret = device_create_file(&ndev->dev, &dev_attr_hw_stats);    |
        if (ret < 0) {                                               |
            dev_err(priv->dev, "unable to add device attr\n");       |
            return ret;                                              |
        }                                                            |
        /* setup tx dma to fixed prio and zero offset */             |
        cpdma_control_set(priv->dma, CPDMA_TX_PRIO_FIXED, 1);        |
        cpdma_control_set(priv->dma, CPDMA_RX_BUFFER_OFFSET, 0);     |
        /* disable priority elevation and enable statistics */       |
        /* on all ports */                                           |
        writel(0, &priv->regs->ptype);                               |
        writel(0x7, &priv->regs->stat_port_en);                      |
        if (WARN_ON(!priv->data.rx_descs))                           |
            priv->data.rx_descs = 128;                               |
        for (i = 0; i < priv->data.rx_descs; i++) {                  |
            struct sk_buff *skb;                                     |
            ret = -ENOMEM;                                           |
            skb = netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align(priv->ndev,              |
                            priv->rx_packet_max);                    |
            if (!skb)                                                |
                break;                                               |
            ret = cpdma_chan_submit(priv->rxch, skb, skb->data,      |
                    skb_tailroom(skb), 0, GFP_KERNEL);               |
            if (WARN_ON(ret < 0)) {                                  |
                dev_kfree_skb_any(skb);                              |
                break;                                               |
            }                                                        |
        }                                                            |
        /*                                                           |
         * continue even if we didn't manage to submit all           |
         * receive descs                                             |
         */                                                          |
        msg(info, ifup, "submitted %d rx descriptors\n", i);         |
        if (cpts_register(&priv->pdev->dev, priv->cpts,              |
                  priv->data.cpts_clock_mult,                        |
                  priv->data.cpts_clock_shift))                      |
            dev_err(priv->dev, "error registering cpts device\n");   |
    }                                                                |
    /* Enable Interrupt pacing if configured */                      |
    if (priv->coal_intvl != 0) {                                     |
        struct ethtool_coalesce coal;                                |
        coal.rx_coalesce_usecs = (priv->coal_intvl << 4);            |
        cpsw_set_coalesce(ndev, &coal);                              |
    }                                                                |
    /* Enable Timer for capturing cpsw rx interrupts */              |
    omap_dm_timer_set_int_enable(dmtimer_rx, OMAP_TIMER_INT_CAPTURE);|
    omap_dm_timer_set_capture(dmtimer_rx, 1, 0, 0);                  |
    omap_dm_timer_enable(dmtimer_rx);                                |
    /* Enable Timer for capturing cpsw tx interrupts */              |
    omap_dm_timer_set_int_enable(dmtimer_tx, OMAP_TIMER_INT_CAPTURE);|
    omap_dm_timer_set_capture(dmtimer_tx, 1, 0, 0);                  |
    omap_dm_timer_enable(dmtimer_tx);                                |
    cpdma_ctlr_start(priv->dma);                                     |
    cpsw_intr_enable(priv);                                          |
    napi_enable(&priv->napi);                                        |
    cpdma_ctlr_eoi(priv->dma);                                       |
    cpsw_update_slave_open_state(priv, true)                         |
    return 0;        +-----------------------------------------------+
}                    |
static void cpsw_slave_open(struct cpsw_slave *slave, struct cpsw_priv *priv)
    char name[32];
    u32 slave_port;

    sprintf(name, "slave-%d", slave->slave_num);

    soft_reset(name, &slave->sliver->soft_reset);

    /* setup priority mapping */
    writel(0x76543210, &slave->sliver->rx_pri_map);
    if (priv->version == CPSW_VERSION1)
        slave_write(slave, 0x33221100, CPSW1_TX_PRI_MAP);
        slave_write(slave, 0x33221100, CPSW2_TX_PRI_MAP);

    /* setup max packet size, and mac address */
    __raw_writel(priv->rx_packet_max, &slave->sliver->rx_maxlen);
    cpsw_set_slave_mac(slave, priv);

    slave->mac_control = 0;    /* no link yet */

    slave_port = cpsw_get_slave_port(priv, slave->slave_num);

    cpsw_add_dual_emac_mode_default_ale_entries(priv, slave, slave_port);
    cpsw_add_switch_mode_bcast_ale_entries(priv, slave_port);
    priv->port_state[slave_port] = ALE_PORT_STATE_FORWARD;

    slave->phy = phy_connect(priv->ndev, slave->data->phy_id,   ------+
                 &cpsw_adjust_link, 0, slave->data->phy_if);    ------*--------+
    if (IS_ERR(slave->phy)) {                                         |        |
        msg(err, ifup, "phy %s not found on slave %d\n",              |        |
            slave->data->phy_id, slave->slave_num);                   |        |
        slave->phy = NULL;                                            |        |
    } else {                                                          |        |
        dev_info(priv->dev, "CPSW phy found : id is : 0x%x\n",        |        |
            slave->phy->phy_id);                                      |        |
        cpsw_set_phy_config(priv, slave->phy);                        |        |
        phy_start(slave->phy);                                        |        |
    }                     +-------------------------------------------+        |
}                         |                                                    |
                          |                                                    |
                          V                                                    |
struct phy_device * phy_connect(struct net_device *dev, const char *bus_id,    |
        void (*handler)(struct net_device *), u32 flags,                       |
        phy_interface_t interface)                                             |
{                                                                              |
    struct phy_device *phydev;                                                 |
    struct device *d;                                                          |
    int rc;                                                                    |
    /* Search the list of PHY devices on the mdio bus for the                  |
     * PHY with the requested name */                                          |
    d = bus_find_device_by_name(&mdio_bus_type, NULL, bus_id);                 |
    if (!d) {                                                                  |
        pr_err("PHY %s not found\n", bus_id);                                  |
        return ERR_PTR(-ENODEV);                                               |
    }                                                                          |
    phydev = to_phy_device(d);                                                 |
    rc = phy_connect_direct(dev, phydev, handler, flags, interface); ----+     |
    if (rc)                                                              |     |
        return ERR_PTR(rc);                                              |     |
                                                                         |     |
    return phydev;                                                       |     |
}                                                                        |     |
EXPORT_SYMBOL(phy_connect);                                              |     |
              +----------------------------------------------------------+     |
              V                                                                |
int phy_connect_direct(struct net_device *dev, struct phy_device *phydev,      |
               void (*handler)(struct net_device *), u32 flags,                |
               phy_interface_t interface)                                      |
{                                                                              |
    int rc;                                                                    |
    rc = phy_attach_direct(dev, phydev, flags, interface);                     |
    if (rc)                                                                    |
        return rc;                                                             |
    phy_prepare_link(phydev, handler);         ----------------+               |
    phy_start_machine(phydev, NULL);      ---------------------*--------+      |
    if (phydev->irq > 0)                                       |        |      |
        phy_start_interrupts(phydev);                          |        |      |
                                                               |        |      |
    return 0;                                                  |        |      |
}                                                              |        |      |
EXPORT_SYMBOL(phy_connect_direct);                             |        |      |
                                                               |        |      |
                                                               |        |      |
static void phy_prepare_link(struct phy_device *phydev,  <-----+        |      |
        void (*handler)(struct net_device *))                           |      |
{                                                                       |      |
    phydev->adjust_link = handler;                                      |      |
}                                                                       |      |
                                                                        |      |
                                                                        |      |
/**                                                                     |      |
 * phy_start_machine - start PHY state machine tracking                 |      |
 * @phydev: the phy_device struct                                       |      |
 * @handler: callback function for state change notifications           |      |
 *                                                                      |      |
 * Description: The PHY infrastructure can run a state machine          |      |
 *   which tracks whether the PHY is starting up, negotiating,          |      |
 *   etc.  This function starts the timer which tracks the state        |      |
 *   of the PHY.  If you want to be notified when the state changes,    |      |
 *   pass in the callback @handler, otherwise, pass NULL.  If you       |      |
 *   want to maintain your own state machine, do not call this          |      |
 *   function.                                                          |      |
 */                                                                     |      |
void phy_start_machine(struct phy_device *phydev,        <--------------+      |
        void (*handler)(struct net_device *))                                  |
{                                                                              |
    phydev->adjust_state = handler;                                            |
    schedule_delayed_work(&phydev->state_queue, HZ);                           |
}                                                                              |
static void cpsw_adjust_link(struct net_device *ndev)       <------------------+
    struct cpsw_priv    *priv = netdev_priv(ndev);
    bool            link = false;

    for_each_slave(priv, _cpsw_adjust_link, priv, &link);   ----------+
    if (link) {                                                       |
        netif_carrier_on(ndev);                                       |
        if (netif_running(ndev))                                      |
            netif_wake_queue(ndev);                                   |
    } else {                                                          |
        netif_carrier_off(ndev);                                      |
        netif_stop_queue(ndev);                                       |
    }                                                                 |
}                                                                     |
static void _cpsw_adjust_link(struct cpsw_slave *slave,      <--------+
                  struct cpsw_priv *priv, bool *link)
    struct phy_device    *phy = slave->phy;
    u32            mac_control = 0;
    u32            slave_port;

    if (!phy)

    slave_port = cpsw_get_slave_port(priv, slave->slave_num);

    if (phy->link) {
        /* enable forwarding */
        cpsw_ale_control_set(priv->ale, slave_port,
            ALE_PORT_STATE, priv->port_state[slave_port]);

        mac_control = priv->data.mac_control;
        if (phy->speed == 10)
            mac_control |= BIT(18); /* In Band mode */
        if (phy->speed == 1000) {
            mac_control |= BIT(7);    /* Enable gigabit mode */
        if (phy->speed == 100)
            mac_control |= BIT(15);
        if (phy->duplex)
            mac_control |= BIT(0);    /* FULLDUPLEXEN    */
        if (phy->interface == PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_RGMII) /* RGMII */
            mac_control |= (BIT(15)|BIT(16));
        *link = true;
    } else {
        cpsw_ale_control_set(priv->ale, slave_port,
        mac_control = 0;

    if (mac_control != slave->mac_control) {
        phy_print_status(phy);                                    ---------------+
        __raw_writel(mac_control, &slave->sliver->mac_control);                  |
    }                                                                            |
    slave->mac_control = mac_control;                                            |
}                                                                                |
/**                                                                              |
 * phy_print_status - Convenience function to print out the current phy status   |
 * @phydev: the phy_device struct                                                |
 */                                                                              |
void phy_print_status(struct phy_device *phydev)                   <-------------+
    pr_info("PHY: %s - Link is %s", dev_name(&phydev->dev),
            phydev->link ? "Up" : "Down");
    if (phydev->link)
        printk(KERN_CONT " - %d/%s", phydev->speed,
                DUPLEX_FULL == phydev->duplex ?
                "Full" : "Half");

    printk(KERN_CONT "\n");

 * 1. LAN8710A/LAN8710Ai datasheet
 *     1. http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/8710a.pdf
 *     2. 1.2 General Description
 *         ......
 *         The LAN8710A/LAN8710Ai supports communication with an Ethernet MAC via a standard MII (IEEE 802.3u)/RMII interface. It contains a full-duplex 10-BASE-T/100BASE-TX transceiver and supports 10Mbps (10BASE-T) and 100Mbps (100BASE-TX) operation. The LAN8710A/LAN8710Ai implements auto-negotiation to automatically determine the best possible speed and duplex mode of operation. HP Auto-MDIX support allows the use of direct connect or cross-over LAN cables.
 *         ......
 * 2. 由上面可知,决定网卡的工作速度的是phy自动决定。


RT-DETR改进策略【模型轻量化】| 替换骨干网络为 MobileViTv1高效的信息编码与融合模块,获取局部和全局信息
RT-DETR改进策略【模型轻量化】| 替换骨干网络为 MobileViTv1高效的信息编码与融合模块,获取局部和全局信息
143 62
RT-DETR改进策略【模型轻量化】| 替换骨干网络为 MobileViTv1高效的信息编码与融合模块,获取局部和全局信息
RT-DETR改进策略【Backbone/主干网络】| CVPR 2024 替换骨干网络为 RMT,增强空间信息的感知能力
RT-DETR改进策略【Backbone/主干网络】| CVPR 2024 替换骨干网络为 RMT,增强空间信息的感知能力
64 13
RT-DETR改进策略【Backbone/主干网络】| CVPR 2024 替换骨干网络为 RMT,增强空间信息的感知能力
RT-DETR改进策略【卷积层】| CGblock 内容引导网络 利用不同层次信息,提高多类别分类能力 (含二次创新)
RT-DETR改进策略【卷积层】| CGblock 内容引导网络 利用不同层次信息,提高多类别分类能力 (含二次创新)
53 5
RT-DETR改进策略【卷积层】| CGblock 内容引导网络 利用不同层次信息,提高多类别分类能力 (含二次创新)
YOLOv11改进策略【模型轻量化】| 替换骨干网络为 MobileViTv1高效的信息编码与融合模块,获取局部和全局信息
YOLOv11改进策略【模型轻量化】| 替换骨干网络为 MobileViTv1高效的信息编码与融合模块,获取局部和全局信息
72 9
YOLOv11改进策略【模型轻量化】| 替换骨干网络为 MobileViTv1高效的信息编码与融合模块,获取局部和全局信息
YOLOv11改进策略【Backbone/主干网络】| CVPR 2024 替换骨干网络为 RMT,增强空间信息的感知能力
YOLOv11改进策略【Backbone/主干网络】| CVPR 2024 替换骨干网络为 RMT,增强空间信息的感知能力
41 0
YOLOv11改进策略【Backbone/主干网络】| CVPR 2024 替换骨干网络为 RMT,增强空间信息的感知能力
YOLOv11改进策略【卷积层】| CGblock 内容引导网络 利用不同层次信息,提高多类别分类能力 (含二次创新)
YOLOv11改进策略【卷积层】| CGblock 内容引导网络 利用不同层次信息,提高多类别分类能力 (含二次创新)
33 0
【Azure 环境】从网络包中分析出TLS加密套件信息
An TLS 1.2 connection request was received from a remote client application, but non of the cipher suites supported by the client application are supported by the server. The connection request has failed. 从远程客户端应用程序收到 TLS 1.2 连接请求,但服务器不支持客户端应用程序支持的任何密码套件。连接请求失败。
115 2
nmap 是一款强大的开源网络扫描工具,能检测目标的开放端口、服务类型和操作系统等信息
nmap 是一款强大的开源网络扫描工具,能检测目标的开放端口、服务类型和操作系统等信息。本文分三部分介绍 nmap:基本原理、使用方法及技巧、实际应用及案例分析。通过学习 nmap,您可以更好地了解网络拓扑和安全状况,提升网络安全管理和渗透测试能力。
299 5
【YOLO11改进 - C3k2融合】C3k2融合DWRSeg二次创新C3k2_DWRSeg:扩张式残差分割网络,提高特征提取效率和多尺度信息获取能力,助力小目标检测
【YOLO11改进 - C3k2融合】C3k2融合DWRSDWRSeg是一种高效的实时语义分割网络,通过将多尺度特征提取方法分解为区域残差化和语义残差化两步,提高了多尺度信息获取的效率。网络设计了Dilation-wise Residual (DWR) 和 Simple Inverted Residual (SIR) 模块,分别用于高阶段和低阶段,以充分利用不同感受野的特征图。实验结果表明,DWRSeg在Cityscapes和CamVid数据集上表现出色,以每秒319.5帧的速度在NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti上达到72.7%的mIoU,超越了现有方法。代码和模型已公开。

