1. Install postgresql postgresql-contrib
camoss@cd-devel15:~$ sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
2. Connect to PosgreSQL server
camoss@cd-devel15:~$ sudo -u <user> psql <database>Note: 大多数PostgreSQL都会利用现有的Linux系统账户来认证PostgreSQL,所以,在安装PostgreSQL时,系统上必须有一个postgres的账户。
camoss@cd-devel15:~$ grep -i "postgres" /etc/passwd
postgres:x:113:122:PostgreSQL administrator,,,:/var/lib/postgresql:/bin/bash
camoss@cd-devel15:~$ sudo -u postgres psql postgres
3. Set password for role/user of PostgreSQL
postgres=# \password <user>e.g.
Set a password for the "postgres" database role
postgres=# \password postgres
pwd: postgres_123
4. Show help information
Show help information about the backslash commands
postgres=# \?
Show help information about SQL commands
postgres=# \h5. Exit PosgreSQL server
postgres=# \q
6. Create database
To create the first database, which we will call "demodb", simply type:sudo -u postgres createdb demodb
camoss@cd-devel15:~$ sudo -u postgres psql postgres
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE testdb;
7. List all Databases
List the names, owners, character set encodings, and access privileges of all the databases in the server.If + is appended to the command name, database sizes, default tablespaces, and descriptions are also displayed.
(Size information is only available for databases that the current user can connect to.)
postgres=# \l+ (or \list+)
8. Connect to Database
postgres=# \c or \connect [ dbname [ username ] [ host ] [ port ] ]9. Create linux user for PosgreSQL
camoss@cd-devel15:~$ adduser demouserpwd: demopwd
10. Create/Drop database role/user
camoss@cd-devel15:~$ sudo -u postgres createuser demousercamoss@cd-devel15:~$ sudo -u postgres dropuser demouser
orpostgres=# CREATE ROLE demouser;
postgres=# ALTER ROLE demouser login;
postgres=# CREATE ROLE demouser login;
Note: 我试了一下sudo -u postgres createuser <user/role> 和 CREATE ROLE <role/user> login 创建的user/role效果一样。
可以通过\du或\dg来查看database roles/users
Creates the user with no database creation rights (-D) with no add user rights (-A) and will prompt you for entering a password (-P)
camoss@cd-devel15:~$ sudo -u postgres createuser -D -A -P myuserCreate the database 'mydb' with 'myuser' as owner
camoss@cd-devel15:~$ sudo -u postgres createdb -O myuser mydb11. Alter database
postgres=# ALTER DATABASE name RENAME TO new_namepostgres=# ALTER DATABASE name OWNER TO new_owner
postgres=# ALTER DATABASE name SET TABLESPACE new_tablespace
demodb=# ALTER DATABASE demodb OWNER TO demouser;
demodb=# \l
12. Connect to database(demodb) of PosgreSQL serveras above user(demouser)
Note:database "demodb" --> which is created by above step 7
user "demouser" --> which is created by above steps 10 and 11
camoss@cd-devel15:~$ sudo -u demouser psql demodb
psql (9.3.6)
Type "help" for help.
13. List Users and Roles
\du[+] [ pattern ]Lists database roles. (Since the concepts of "users" and "groups" have been unified into "roles", this command is now equivalent to \dg.)
If pattern is specified, only those roles whose names match the pattern are listed.
If the form \du+ is used, additional information is shown about each role; currently this adds the comment for each role.
\dg[+] [ pattern ]
Lists database roles. (Since the concepts of "users" and "groups" have been unified into "roles", this command is now equivalent to \du.)
If pattern is specified, only those roles whose names match the pattern are listed.
If the form \dg+ is used, additional information is shown about each role; currently this adds the comment for each role.
14. Enable PostgreSQL to listen across different networks
Edit file /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf, and alter the listen_addresses
e.g. Listen on all network interfaces as follow:
listen_addresses = '*'