The experience to config Cisco 2811 for VOIP

简介: Introduction    My company would like to set up a call center. The call center needs a VOIP router. We choosed Cisco 2811, and we applied an E1 cable to host 30 phones in.


   My company would like to set up a call center. The call center needs a VOIP router. We choosed Cisco 2811, and we applied an E1 cable to host 30 phones in. We need to do necessary configuration in the Cisco 2811 router.


Config the Cisco 2811 router

   We received the router. We started to config the router. First we checked the delivery list file in the package, and found a console cable. The console cable is used to config the router. One end of the console cable is female serial port, the other end of the console cable is RJ11(network port). Plugged in the RJ11 side into the router, and plugged the female serial port into the serial port of my laptop.

   Start the "Hyper terminal" program in windows, input a name: cisco2811, for the connection. Select China(86) for Country/region, area code 010, Connect using COM1, click on the "Configure" button next to Connect using, click "Restore defaults". click ok, click ok again.

   Then the Console window shows some message. Press enter key. The router prompts for user name and password. Input cisco as user name and cisco as password.  This is the default password of all cisco routers. We need to change it right now. Use this one:

username cisco privilege 15 secret 5 cisco


Config the E1 PRI card

   There is the T1/E1 card delivered with the router. We plugged the card into the number 0 slot of the router, attach the PRI cable to the E1 card, a yellow light turns on.

   Go to the console window, type the command:

configure terminal

hostname GW_1

card type E1 0 0

network-clock-participate wic 0

network-clock-select 1 E1 0/0/0


show run

Note: the card type command is to specify the E1 card. If the command not presented, the isdn command will not be available.



Config the IP address for the network card

GW_1#configure terminal


GW_1<config>#interface fast-ethernet 0/0


GW_1<config-if>#ip address ip-address net-mask


GW_1<config-if>#ip route default-router

default-router: address of default gateway



GW_1<config>#ip routing





Config the relay of router

GW_1#configure terminal


GW_1<config>#Isdn switch-type primary-net5

turn on ISDN PRI

GW_1<config>#controller E1 0/0/0


GW_1<config-controller>#framing NO-CRC4

set the mode to NO_CRC4

GW_1<config-controller>#pri-group timeslots 1-31

all the time slots in one primary group

GW_1<config-controller>#trunk-group 1 timeslots 1-31

all time slots into the first group



GW_1<config >#interface Serial 0/0/0:15


GW_1<config-if>#isdn overlap-receiving T302 500

turn on isdn overlap-receiving mode




Config the dial-peer

GW_1#configure terminal


GW_1<config>#dial-peer voice 100 voip

Add a inbound route named 100

GW_1<config-dial-peer>#destination-pattern 28829…

the number starts with 28829. The "." could be wildchar to match any character.


GW_1<config-dial-peer>#session target ipv4:

send all the SIP packets to the target address

GW_1<config-dial-peer>#session protocol sipv2

protocol sip version 2

GW_1<config-dial-peer># dtmf-relay rtp-nte

RTP protocol to deal with DTMF

GW_1<config-dial-peer>#codec g711alaw

Use g.711 Alaw to transmit voice data

another choice is codec g729r8







Config the call out route

GW_1#configure terminal




GW_1<config>#controller E1 0/0/0


GW_1<config-controller>#trunk-group 1 timeslots 1-31

put timeslots in the first group



GW_1<config>#controller E1 0/0/1

another controller

GW_1<config-controller>#trunk-group 1 timeslots 1-31




GW_1<config>#dial-peer voice 900 pots

out bound route named 900

GW_1<config-dial-peer>#destination-pattern …

call out number start with


Set DID mode

GW_1<config-dial-peer>#trunkgroup 1

call out from the first group






After the configuration, there should be a green light on the E1 card.


Debug the router

The show command is very useful when debugging the router. To check the status of controllers, serial ports.

First we can use show run command to view the current configuration of router.

Show controllers command is also useful, Show interface serial-port command is also useful to debug the router.


Be careful to the "shutdown" command

When you see a shutdown command, the component is in administrative shutdown status. If it is extremely necessary, you can put the shutdown command. Otherwise, please use "no shutdown" to disable the "shutdown" command.


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