简介: GROUPING Syntax grouping::= Text description of grouping Purpose GROUPING distinguishes superaggregate rows from regular grouped rows.




Text description of grouping


GROUPING distinguishes superaggregate rows from regular grouped rows. GROUP BY extensions such as ROLLUP and CUBE produce superaggregate rows where the set of all values is represented by null. Using the GROUPING function, you can distinguish a null representing the set of all values in a superaggregate row from a null in a regular row.

The expr in the GROUPING function must match one of the expressions in the GROUP BY clause. The function returns a value of 1 if the value of expr in the row is a null representing the set of all values. Otherwise, it returns zero. The datatype of the value returned by the GROUPING function is Oracle NUMBER.

See Also:

group_by_clause of the SELECT statement for a discussion of these terms


In the following example, which uses the sample tables hr.departments and hr.employees, if the GROUPING function returns 1 (indicating a superaggregate row rather than a regular row from the table), then the string "All Jobs" appears in the "JOB" column instead of the null that would otherwise appear:

SELECT DECODE(GROUPING(department_name), 1, 'All Departments',
   department_name) AS department,
   DECODE(GROUPING(job_id), 1, 'All Jobs', job_id) AS job,
   COUNT(*) "Total Empl", AVG(salary) * 12 "Average Sal"
   FROM employees e, departments d
   WHERE d.department_id = e.department_id
   GROUP BY ROLLUP (department_name, job_id);

DEPARTMENT                     JOB        Total Empl Average Sal
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- -----------
Accounting                     AC_ACCOUNT          1       99600
Accounting                     AC_MGR              1      144000
Accounting                     All Jobs            2      121800
Administration                 AD_ASST             1       52800
Administration                 All Jobs            1       52800
Executive                      AD_PRES             1      288000
Executive                      AD_VP               2      204000
Executive                      All Jobs            3      232000
Finance                        FI_ACCOUNT          5       95040
Finance                        FI_MGR              1      144000
Finance                        All Jobs            6      103200
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【笔记】开发指南—DQL语句—Grouping Sets、Rollup和Cube扩展
在关系型数据库中,通常需要使用多个SELECT + UNION语句来实现按照多组维度的结果分组,PolarDB-X新增支持通过Grouping Sets、Rollup和Cube扩展来实现这一目的。此外,PolarDB-X还支持在SELECT命令或HAVING子句中使用GROUPING函数和GROUPING_ID函数,来帮助解释使用上述扩展时的结果。本文将介绍相关语法和示例。
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SQL 关系型数据库 Linux
开发指南—DQL语句—Grouping Sets、Rollup和Cube扩展
在关系型数据库中,通常需要使用多个SELECT + UNION语句来实现按照多组维度的结果分组,PolarDB-X新增支持通过Grouping Sets、Rollup和Cube扩展来实现这一目的。此外,PolarDB-X还支持在SELECT命令或HAVING子句中使用GROUPING函数和GROUPING_ID函数,来帮助解释使用上述扩展时的结果。本文将介绍相关语法和示例。
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