[20171219]Cube, Grouping and Rollup.txt

简介: [20171219]Cube, Grouping and Rollup.txt --//每到年底.总有一些报表统计之类的事情,这些事情非常繁琐,报表往往是一次性,写sql语句非常耗费时间.

[20171219]Cube, Grouping and Rollup.txt

--//可惜.....几乎很少人去了解掌握这些知识.今天讲讲分组GROUPING SETS,实际上只要会不到1个小时就基本

SCOTT@book> @ ver1
------------------- -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x86_64/Linux 2.4.xx     Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

SCOTT@book> create table t1 as select trunc(rownum/10)+1 a,trunc(rownum/12)+1 b ,trunc(rownum/20)+1 c,rownum d from dual connect by level<=50;
Table created.

--//grouping sets子句允许你指定多个group by 选项。增强了group by 的功能。可以通过一条select 语句实现复杂繁琐的多条select

SCOTT@book> select a,b,c,sum(d),count(*) from t1 group by a,b,c order by 1,2,3;
         A          B          C     SUM(D)   COUNT(*)
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         1          1          1         45          9
         2          1          1         21          2
         2          2          1        124          8
         3          2          2         86          4
         3          3          2        159          6
         4          3          2        195          6
         4          4          2        150          4
         5          4          3        348          8
         5          5          3         97          2
         6          5          3         50          1
10 rows selected.

--//如果使用GROUPING SETS,相当于:
select a,b,c,sum(d),count(*) from t1 group by grouping sets((a,b,c)) order by 1,2,3;

--//当时使用GROUPING SETS能实现更加复杂的组合:
SCOTT@book> select a,b,c,sum(d),count(*) from t1 group by grouping sets((a,b,c),(a),(b),(c),()) ;
         A          B          C     SUM(D)   COUNT(*)
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         1          1          1         45          9
         2          1          1         21          2
         2          2          1        124          8
         3          2          2         86          4
         3          3          2        159          6
         4          3          2        195          6
         4          4          2        150          4
         5          4          3        348          8
         5          5          3         97          2
         6          5          3         50          1
         1                               45          9
         2                              145         10
         3                              245         10
         4                              345         10
         5                              445         10
         6                               50          1
                    1                    66         11
                    2                   210         12
                    4                   498         12
                    5                   147          3
                    3                   354         12
                               1        190         19
                               2        590         20
                               3        495         11
                                       1275         50

25 rows selected.

select a,b,c,sum(d),count(*) from t1 group by a,b,c
union all
select a,null,null,sum(d),count(*) from t1 group by a
union all
select null,b,null,sum(d),count(*) from t1 group by b
union all
select null,null,c,sum(d),count(*) from t1 group by c
union all
select null,null,null,sum(d),count(*) from t1;

SCOTT@book> select a, b, c, sum(d ) from t1 group by grouping sets ( (a,b), b);
select a, b, c, sum(d ) from t1 group by grouping sets ( (a,b), b)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression

3.GROUPING Function and GROUPING_ID Function
--//由此引出GROUPING Function and GROUPING_ID Function,例子:

SELECT deptno
        ,SUM (sal)
        ,GROUPING (deptno) gdno
        ,GROUPING (job) gjno
        ,GROUPING_ID (deptno, job) gid_dj
        ,GROUPING_ID (job, deptno) gid_jd
    FROM emp
            (deptno, job)
           ,(  )

    DEPTNO JOB         SUM(SAL)       GDNO       GJNO     GID_DJ     GID_JD
---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
        10 CLERK           1300          0          0          0          0
        20 CLERK           1900          0          0          0          0
        30 CLERK            950          0          0          0          0
        20 ANALYST         6000          0          0          0          0
        10 MANAGER         2450          0          0          0          0
        20 MANAGER         2975          0          0          0          0
        30 MANAGER         2850          0          0          0          0
        30 SALESMAN        5600          0          0          0          0
        10 PRESIDENT       5000          0          0          0          0
           CLERK           4150          1          0          2          1
           ANALYST         6000          1          0          2          1
           MANAGER         8275          1          0          2          1
           SALESMAN        5600          1          0          2          1
           PRESIDENT       5000          1          0          2          1
        10                 8750          0          1          1          2
        20                10875          0          1          1          2
        30                 9400          0          1          1          2
                          29025          1          1          3          3
18 rows selected.

GROUPING function has the general syntax of GROUPING ( ). It is used only in SELECT clause. It takes only a single
column expression as argument.

GROUPING_ID takes a set of columns. It applies the GROUPING function on each column in its argument and composes a bit
vector with the "0" and "1" values. It returns the decimal equivalent of the bit vector. The columns GID_DJ and GID_JD show
the use of GROUPING_ID function and also show how interchanging the order of the columns inside the GROUPING_ID function
might impact the result.


GROUP BY CUBE( a, b, c) is equivalent to
GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ( (a, b, c), (a, b), (b, c), (a, c), (a), (b), (c), ( )).
--//相当于GROUPING SETS的特例.实际上就是a,b,c的各种组合.

SCOTT@book> select a,b,c,sum(d),count(*) from t1 group by cube(a,b,c);
         A          B          C     SUM(D)   COUNT(*)
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
                                       1275         50
                               1        190         19
                               2        590         20
                               3        495         11
                    1                    66         11
                    1          1         66         11
                    2                   210         12
                    2          1        124          8
                    2          2         86          4
                    3                   354         12
                    3          2        354         12
                    4                   498         12
                    4          2        150          4
                    4          3        348          8
                    5                   147          3
                    5          3        147          3
         1                               45          9
         1                     1         45          9
         1          1                    45          9
         1          1          1         45          9
         2                              145         10
         2                     1        145         10
         2          1                    21          2
         2          1          1         21          2
         2          2                   124          8
         2          2          1        124          8
         3                              245         10
         3                     2        245         10
         3          2                    86          4
         3          2          2         86          4
         3          3                   159          6
         3          3          2        159          6
         4                              345         10
         4                     2        345         10
         4          3                   195          6
         4          3          2        195          6
         4          4                   150          4
         4          4          2        150          4
         5                              445         10
         5                     3        445         10
         5          4                   348          8
         5          4          3        348          8
         5          5                    97          2
         5          5          3         97          2
         6                               50          1
         6                     3         50          1
         6          5                    50          1
         6          5          3         50          1
48 rows selected.

ROLLUP (a, b, c) is equivalent to GROUPING SETS ( (a, b, c), (a, b), (a), ( )).
The general syntax of ROLLUP is ROLLUP( )

SCOTT@book> select a,b,c,sum(d),count(*) from t1 group by rollup(a,b,c);
         A          B          C     SUM(D)   COUNT(*)
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         1          1          1         45          9
         1          1                    45          9
         1                               45          9
         2          1          1         21          2
         2          1                    21          2
         2          2          1        124          8
         2          2                   124          8
         2                              145         10
         3          2          2         86          4
         3          2                    86          4
         3          3          2        159          6
         3          3                   159          6
         3                              245         10
         4          3          2        195          6
         4          3                   195          6
         4          4          2        150          4
         4          4                   150          4
         4                              345         10
         5          4          3        348          8
         5          4                   348          8
         5          5          3         97          2
         5          5                    97          2
         5                              445         10
         6          5          3         50          1
         6          5                    50          1
         6                               50          1
                                       1275         50
27 rows selected.

--//可以发现cube,rollup相当于GROUPING SETS的特例.


Composite Columns

A composite column is a collection of columns that can be used in CUBE or ROLLUP. They are treated as unit before computing
the aggregate.Composite columns usage in CUBE and ROLLUP and the equivalent GROUPING SETS -

. CUBE( (a, b), c) is equivalent to GROUPING SETS ( (a, b, c), (a, b) , c, ( ))
. ROLLUP ( a, (b, c) ) is equivalent to GROUPING SETS ( (a, b, c), ( a ), ( ) )


If any column appears in GROUP BY but outside the aggregation clauses discussed above. It can be thought of as being first
column of the resulting GROUPING SET equivalent. The following examples make this clear.

GROUP BY a, CUBE( b, c) is equivalent to
GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ( (a, b, c), (a, b), (a, c), (a) )

GROUP BY a, ROLLUP( b, c) is equivalent to
GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ( (a, b, c), (a, b), (a) )

--//我个人的看法仅仅掌握了解GROUPING SETS,cube就足够了,我感觉rollup会少用一些.
--//认真看下来,不要1个小时就基本掌握GROUPING SETS的用法.包括cube,ROLLUP.

JavaScript 前端开发 开发者
Rollup 是一个用于 JavaScript 的模块打包工具,它将小的代码片段编译成更大、更复杂的代码,例如库或应用程序。它使用 JavaScript 的 ES6 版本中包含的新标准化代码模块格式,而不是以前的 CommonJS 和 AMD 等特殊解决方案。ES 模块允许你自由无缝地组合你最喜欢的库中最有用的个别函数。这在未来将在所有场景原生支持,但 Rollup 让你今天就可以开始这样做。
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Hive - Cube, Rollup, GroupingId 示例与详解
​上篇文章讲到了Grouping Sets 的使用方法,Grouping Sets 可以看做是将 group by 的内容进行 union 整合,这篇文章将基于同一思想进行扩展介绍两个方法 Cube 以及 Rollup,同时给出辅助函数 GroupingId 的生成方法与使用方法。...
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SQL 关系型数据库
【笔记】开发指南—DQL语句—Grouping Sets、Rollup和Cube扩展
在关系型数据库中,通常需要使用多个SELECT + UNION语句来实现按照多组维度的结果分组,PolarDB-X新增支持通过Grouping Sets、Rollup和Cube扩展来实现这一目的。此外,PolarDB-X还支持在SELECT命令或HAVING子句中使用GROUPING函数和GROUPING_ID函数,来帮助解释使用上述扩展时的结果。本文将介绍相关语法和示例。
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SQL 关系型数据库 Linux
开发指南—DQL语句—Grouping Sets、Rollup和Cube扩展
在关系型数据库中,通常需要使用多个SELECT + UNION语句来实现按照多组维度的结果分组,PolarDB-X新增支持通过Grouping Sets、Rollup和Cube扩展来实现这一目的。此外,PolarDB-X还支持在SELECT命令或HAVING子句中使用GROUPING函数和GROUPING_ID函数,来帮助解释使用上述扩展时的结果。本文将介绍相关语法和示例。
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