[翻译] JFMinimalNotifications



This is an iOS UIView for presenting a beautiful notification that is highly configurable and works for both iPhone and iPad. JFMinimalNotification is only available in ARC and targets iOS 7.0+.


What It Looks Like: 它看起来像这样子:

See a short video of this control here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDYC-NYKl9A


Screen Shots 截图

How To Use It: 这么用:

Basic Example


- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];

     * Create the notification
 */ self.minimalNotification = [JFMinimalNotification notificationWithStyle:JFMinimalNotificationStyleDefault title:@"This is my awesome title" subTitle:@"This is my awesome sub-title"]; /**  * Set the desired font for the title and sub-title labels  * Default is System Normal  */ UIFont* titleFont = [UIFont fontWithName:@"STHeitiK-Light" size:22]; [self.minimalNotification setTitleFont:titleFont]; UIFont* subTitleFont = [UIFont fontWithName:@"STHeitiK-Light" size:16]; [self.minimalNotification setSubTitleFont:subTitleFont]; /**  * Add the notification to a view  */ [self.view addSubview:self.minimalNotification]; } /**  * Showing the notification from a button handler  */ - (IBAction)show:(id)sender { [self.minimalNotification show]; } /**  * Hiding the notification from a button handler  */ - (IBAction)dismiss:(id)sender { [self.minimalNotification dismiss]; }

Constructors / Options

构造器 / 选项

 * Note: passing a dismissalDelay of 0 means the notification will NOT be automatically dismissed, you will need to 
 * dismiss the notification yourself by calling -dismiss on the notification object. If you pass a dismissalDelay 
 * value greater than 0, this will be the length of time the notification will remain visisble before being 
 * automatically dismissed.
 */ // With dismissalDelay self.minimalNotification = [JFMinimalNotification notificationWithStyle:JFMinimalNotificationStyleError title:@"This is my awesome title" subTitle:@"This is my awesome sub-title" dismissalDelay:3.0]; // Without dismissalDelay and with touchHandler self.minimalNotification = [JFMinimalNotification notificationWithStyle:JFMinimalNotificationStyleError title:@"This is my awesome title" subTitle:@"This is my awesome sub-title" dismissalDelay:0.0 touchHandler:^{ [self.minimalNotification dismiss]; }];
// Available Styles
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, JFMinimalNotificationStytle) {

Please see the example project include in this repo for an example of how to use this notification.


Delegate Methods: 代理方法

- (void)willShowNotification:(JFMinimalNotification*)notification;
- (void)didShowNotification:(JFMinimalNotification*)notification;
- (void)willDisimissNotification:(JFMinimalNotification*)notification;
- (void)didDismissNotification:(JFMinimalNotification*)notification;

Installation: 安装

Cocoapods Cocoapods安装

pod 'JFMinimalNotifications', '~> 0.0.2'

Directly include source into your projects


  • Simply copy the source files from the "JFMinimalNotification" folder into your project. 你只需要简单的将JFMinimalNotification文件夹拖到你的项目当中
  • In your application's project app target settings, find the "Build Phases" section and open the "Link Binary With Libraries" block and click the "+" button and select the "CoreGraphics.framework". 在你的工程项目当中,找到Build Phases区,打开Link Binary With Libraries,点击+按钮,然后选择CoreGraphics.framework框架


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