尊重原创,转载请注明来自:star特530的CSDN博客 :http://blog.csdn.net/start530/article/details/18052953
昨天cocos2dx 3.0 beta 版也出来了,我之前也用过一两个星期的alpha1版,所以决定写一些关于3.0的博文,这里不仅只有我个人的一些理解和看法,同时我也会把开发过程中遇到的问题贴上来,希望大神们给予回答~~1、以CC开头的类从此去掉CC,如:
| v2.1 | v3.0 |
| CCSprite | Sprite |
| CCNode | Node |
| CCDirector | Director |
| etc... |
- v2.0
- CCSprite* sp = CCSprite::create();
- v3.0
- auto sp = Sprite::create();
2、clone() 替代 copy(), 这个我用的不多,所以也就不多交代了;
3、Director的单例换成getInstance() 和 destroyInstance();
| v2.1 | v3.0 |
| CCDirector->sharedDirector() | Director->getInstance() |
| CCDirector->endDirector() | Director->destroyInstance() |
| etc... |
- auto sprite = Sprite::create("file.png");
- ...
- auto listener = EventListenerTouchOneByOne::create();
- listener->setSwallowTouch(true);
- listener->onTouchBegan = [](Touch* touch, Event* event) { do_some_thing(); return true; };
- listener->onTouchMoved = [](Touch* touch, Event* event) { do_some_thing(); };
- listener->onTouchEnded = [](Touch* touch, Event* event) { do_some_thing(); };
- listener->onTouchCancelled = [](Touch* touch, Event* event) { do_some_thing(); };
- // The priority of the touch listener is based on the draw order of sprite
- EventDispatcher::getInstance()->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, sprite);
- // Or the priority of the touch listener is a fixed value
- EventDispatcher::getInstance()->addEventListenerWithFixedPriority(listener, 100); // 100 is a fixed value
5、还有一些杂七杂八的东西,本人理解的不透,也就不发出来献丑了,最后将CCType.h 里的一些变动贴出来,让我们愉快的结束这篇博文。
| v2.1 struct names | v3.0 struct names |
| ccColor3B | Color3B |
| ccColor4B | Color4B |
| ccColor4F | Color4F |
| ccVertex2F | Vertex2F |
| ccVertex3F | Vertex3F |
| ccTex2F | Tex2F |
| ccPointSprite | PointSprite |
| ccQuad2 | Quad2 |
| ccQuad3 | Quad3 |
| ccV2F_C4B_T2F | V2F_C4B_T2F |
| ccV2F_C4F_T2F | V2F_C4F_T2F |
| ccV3F_C4B_T2F | V3F_C4B_T2F |
| ccV2F_C4B_T2F_Triangle | V2F_C4B_T2F_Triangle |
| ccV2F_C4B_T2F_Quad | V2F_C4B_T2F_Quad |
| ccV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad | V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad |
| ccV2F_C4F_T2F_Quad | V2F_C4F_T2F_Quad |
| ccBlendFunc | BlendFunc |
| ccT2F_Quad | T2F_Quad |
| ccAnimationFrameData | AnimationFrameData |
| v2.1 names | v3.0 names |
| ccp | Point |
| ccpNeg | Point::- |
| ccpAdd | Point::+ |
| ccpSub | Point::- |
| ccpMult | Point::* |
| ccpMidpoint | Point::getMidpoint |
| ccpDot | Point::dot |
| ccpCrosss | Point::cross |
| ccpPerp | Point::getPerp |
| ccpRPerp | Point::getRPerp |
| ccpProject | Point::project |
| ccpRotate | Point::rotate |
| ccpUnrotate | Point::unrotate |
| ccpLengthSQ | Point::getLengthSq() |
| ccpDistanceSQ | Point::getDistanceSq |
| ccpLength | Point::getLength |
| ccpDistance | Point::getDistance |
| ccpNormalize | Point::normalize |
| ccpForAngle | Point::forAngle |
| ccpToAngle | Point::getAngle |
| ccpClamp | Point::getClampPoint |
| ccpFromSize | Point::Point |
| ccpCompOp | Point::compOp |
| ccpLerp | Point::lerp |
| ccpFuzzyEqual | Point::fuzzyEqual |
| ccpCompMult | Point::Point |
| ccpAngleSigned | Point::getAngle |
| ccpAngle | Point::getAngle |
| ccpRotateByAngle | Point::rotateByAngle |
| ccpLineInersect | Point::isLineIntersect |
| ccpSegmentIntersect | Point::isSegmentIntersect |
| ccpIntersectPoint | Point::getIntersectPoint |
| CCPointMake | Point::Point |
| CCSizeMake | Size::Size |
| CCRectMake | Rect::Rect |
| PointZero | Point::ZERO |
| SizeZero | Size::ZERO |
| RectZero | Rect::ZERO |
| TiledGrid3DAction::tile | TiledGrid3DAction::getTile |
| TiledGrid3DAction::originalTile | TiledGrid3DAction::getOriginalTile |
| TiledGrid3D::tile | TiledGrid3D::getTile |
| TiledGrid3D::originalTile | TiledGrid3D::getOriginalTile |
| Grid3DAction::vertex | Grid3DAction::getVertex |
| Grid3DAction::originalVertex | Grid3DAction::getOriginalVertex |
| Grid3D::vertex | Grid3D::getVertex |
| Grid3D::originalVertex | Grid3D::getOriginalVertex |
| Configuration::sharedConfiguration | Configuration::getInstance |
| Configuration::purgeConfiguration | Configuration::destroyInstance() |
| Director::sharedDirector() | Director::getInstance() |
| FileUtils::sharedFileUtils | FileUtils::getInstance |
| FileUtils::purgeFileUtils | FileUtils::destroyInstance |
| EGLView::sharedOpenGLView | EGLView::getInstance |
| ShaderCache::sharedShaderCache | ShaderCache::getInstance |
| ShaderCache::purgeSharedShaderCache | ShaderCache::destroyInstance |
| AnimationCache::sharedAnimationCache | AnimationCache::getInstance |
| AnimationCache::purgeSharedAnimationCache | AnimationCache::destroyInstance |
| SpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache | SpriteFrameCache::getInstance |
| SpriteFrameCache:: purgeSharedSpriteFrameCache | SpriteFrameCache::destroyInstance |
| NotificationCenter::sharedNotificationCenter | NotificationCenter::getInstance |
| NotificationCenter:: purgeNotificationCenter | NotificationCenter::destroyInstance |
| Profiler::sharedProfiler | Profiler::getInstance |
| UserDefault::sharedUserDefault | UserDefault::getInstance |
| UserDefault::purgeSharedUserDefault | UserDefault::destroyInstance |
| Application::sharedApplication | Application::getInstance |
| ccc3() | Color3B() |
| ccc3BEqual() | Color3B::equals() |
| ccc4() | Color4B() |
| ccc4FFromccc3B() | Color4F() |
| ccc4f() | Color4F() |
| ccc4FFromccc4B() | Color4F() |
| ccc4BFromccc4F() | Color4B() |
| ccc4FEqual() | Color4F::equals() |
| ccWHITE | Color3B::WHITE |
| ccYELLOW | Color3B::YELLOW |
| ccBLUE | Color3B::BLUE |
| ccGREEN | Color3B::GREEN |
| ccRED | Color3B::RED |
| ccMAGENTA | Color3B::MAGENTA |
| ccBLACK | Color3B::BLACK |
| ccORANGE | Color3B::ORANGE |
| ccGRAY | Color3B::GRAY |
| kBlendFuncDisable | BlendFunc::BLEND_FUNC_DISABLE |