google chrome feature shorcuts

简介: <p> </p><table class="borders " style="margin:0px; padding:0px; border:0px; outline:0px; font-size:13px; font-family:'Helvetica Neue',HelveticaNeue,Helvetica,sans-serif; vertical-align:baseline;

Alt+F or Alt+E orF10 Opens the Chrome menu Chrome menu, which lets you customize and control settings in Google Chrome.
Ctrl+Shift+B Toggles the bookmarks bar on and off.
Ctrl+H Opens the History page.
Ctrl+J Opens the Downloads page.
Ctrl+Shift+Esc Opens the Task Manager.
Shift+Alt+T Sets focus on the first tool in the browser toolbar. You can then use the following shortcuts to move around in the toolbar:
  • Press Tab, Shift+Tab, Home, End, right arrow, and left arrow to move focus to different items in the toolbar.
  • Press Space or Enter to activate toolbar buttons, including page actions and browser actions.
  • Press Shift+F10 to bring up any associated context menu (e.g. browsing history for the Back button).
  • Press Esc to return focus from the toolbar back to the page.
F6 or Shift+F6 Switches focus to the next keyboard-accessible pane. Panes include:
  • Highlights the URL in the address bar
  • Bookmarks bar (if visible)
  • The main web content (including any infobars)
  • Downloads bar (if visible)
Ctrl+Shift+J Opens Developer Tools.
Ctrl+Shift+Delete Opens the Clear Browsing Data dialog.
F1 Opens the Help Center in a new tab (our favorite).
Ctrl+Shift+M Switch between multiple users.


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