class ActionCancelEventArgs:System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs
private string message;
public ActionCancelEventArgs() : this( false) { }
public ActionCancelEventArgs( bool cancel) : this( false, String.Empty) { }
public ActionCancelEventArgs( bool cancel, string message) : base(cancel) {
this.message = message;
public string Message { get; set; }
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// 2.定义委托
public delegate void ActionEventHandler( object sender, ActionCancelEventArgs ev);
// 3.声明事件(用到委托类型)
public static event ActionEventHandler Action;
// 4.定义事件处理函数
protected void OnAction( object sender, ActionCancelEventArgs ev)
if (Action != null)
Action(sender, ev);
// 注册事件处理程序
public class BusEntity
string time = String.Empty;
public BusEntity() {
// 将事件处理程序添加到事件
Form1.Action += new Form1.ActionEventHandler(Form1_Action);
private void Form1_Action( object sender, ActionCancelEventArgs e) {
e.Cancel = !DoActions();
if (e.Cancel)
e.Message = " wasn't the right time. ";
private bool DoActions() {
bool retVal = false;
DateTime tm = DateTime.Now;
if (tm.Second< 30)
time = " The time is "+DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();
retVal = true;
time = "";
return retVal;
public string TimeString {
get { return time; }
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private void btnRaise_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)
ActionCancelEventArgs cancelEvent = new ActionCancelEventArgs();
OnAction( this, cancelEvent);
private string message;
public ActionCancelEventArgs() : this( false) { }
public ActionCancelEventArgs( bool cancel) : this( false, String.Empty) { }
public ActionCancelEventArgs( bool cancel, string message) : base(cancel) {
this.message = message;
public string Message { get; set; }
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// 2.定义委托
public delegate void ActionEventHandler( object sender, ActionCancelEventArgs ev);
// 3.声明事件(用到委托类型)
public static event ActionEventHandler Action;
// 4.定义事件处理函数
protected void OnAction( object sender, ActionCancelEventArgs ev)
if (Action != null)
Action(sender, ev);
// 注册事件处理程序
public class BusEntity
string time = String.Empty;
public BusEntity() {
// 将事件处理程序添加到事件
Form1.Action += new Form1.ActionEventHandler(Form1_Action);
private void Form1_Action( object sender, ActionCancelEventArgs e) {
e.Cancel = !DoActions();
if (e.Cancel)
e.Message = " wasn't the right time. ";
private bool DoActions() {
bool retVal = false;
DateTime tm = DateTime.Now;
if (tm.Second< 30)
time = " The time is "+DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();
retVal = true;
time = "";
return retVal;
public string TimeString {
get { return time; }
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private void btnRaise_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)
ActionCancelEventArgs cancelEvent = new ActionCancelEventArgs();
OnAction( this, cancelEvent);
if (cancelEvent.Cancel)
lblInfo.Text = cancelEvent.Message;
lblInfo.Text = busEntity.TimeString;
if (cancelEvent.Cancel)
lblInfo.Text = cancelEvent.Message;
lblInfo.Text = busEntity.TimeString;