日志服务 SLS,月写入数据量 50GB 1个月
简介: LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT is applicable only if you are using the redo log in ARCHIVELOG mode.

LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT is applicable only if you are using the redo log in ARCHIVELOG mode.
Use a text string and variables to specify the default filename format when archiving redo log files. The string generated from this format is appended to the string specified in the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST parameter.
The following variables can be used in the format:
%s log sequence number
%S log sequence number, zero filled
%t thread number
%T thread number, zero filled
%a activation ID
%d database ID
%r resetlogs ID that ensures unique names are constructed for the archived log files across multiple incarnations of the database
Using uppercase letters for the variables (for example, %S) causes the value to be fixed length and padded to the left with zeros. An example of specifying the archive redo log filename format follows:

LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT = 'log%t_%s_%r.arc'

Neither LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST nor LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT have to be complete file or directory specifiers themselves;
they only need to form. a valid file path after the variables are substituted into LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT and the two parameters are concatenated together.

Oracle 关系型数据库
Log Archive Destinations to a Group
oracle 归档日志路径配置
41 1
perhaps your file is in a different file format and youneed to use a different restore operator?
perhaps your file is in a different file format and youneed to use a different restore operator?
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Oracle 关系型数据库 Linux
20180226alter system archive log current
[20180226]alter system archive log current.txt --//当日志写满以后,切换日志归档大部分由归档进程ARCH负责将在线重做日志归档.
990 0
关系型数据库 Oracle
监控 调度

