【ASM学习】关于 ASM 的隐含参数

简介: select  a.ksppinm  "Parameter",  a.ksppdesc "Description", b.ksppstvl "Session Value",c.
a.ksppinm  "Parameter", 
a.ksppdesc "Description",
b.ksppstvl "Session Value",
c.ksppstvl "Instance Value"
x$ksppi a,
x$ksppcv b,
x$ksppsv c
a.indx = b.indx
and a.indx = c.indx
and a.ksppinm like '%asm%' escape '\'
order by 1

Parameter                                  Description                    Session Va Instance V
------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
_asm_acd_chunks                       initial ACD chunks created     1          1
_asm_allow_only_raw_disks             Discovery only raw devices     TRUE       TRUE
_asm_allow_resilver_corruption        Enable disk resilvering for    FALSE      FALSE
                                                                   external redundancy

_asm_ausize                           allocation unit size           1048576    1048576
_asm_blksize                          metadata block size            4096       4096
_asm_disk_repair_time                 seconds to wait before         14400      14400
                                                            dropping a failing disk

_asm_droptimeout                      timeout before offlined disks  60         60
                                                          get dropped (in 3s ticks)

_asm_emulmax                          max number of concurrent disks 10000      10000
                                                        to emulate I/O errors

_asm_emultimeout                      timeout before emulation       0          0
                                                           begins (in 3s ticks)

_asm_kfdpevent                        KFDP event                     0          0
_asm_libraries                         library search order for       ufs        ufs

_asm_maxio                            Maximum size of individual I/O 1048576    1048576

_asm_stripesize                       ASM file stripe size           131072     131072
_asm_stripewidth                      ASM file stripe width          8          8
_asm_wait_time                        Max/imum time to wait before   18         18
                                                      asmb exits

_asmlib_test                          Osmlib test event              0          0
_asmsid                                 ASM instance id                asm        asm
asm_diskgroups                        disk groups to mount           MY_DG1, MY MY_DG1, MY
                                                          automatically                  _DG2       _DG2

asm_diskstring                        disk set locations for

asm_power_limit                       number of processes for disk   1          1

20 rows selected.

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