Oracle cloud control 12c 如何修改sysman密码

简介:     前阵子在虚拟机部署了Oracle Cloud Control 12c,事别几日,竟然忘记了登陆密码。主要是因为现在的Oracle有关的Software比之前提供更强的安全机制。
    前阵子在虚拟机部署了Oracle Cloud Control 12c,事别几日,竟然忘记了登陆密码。主要是因为现在的Oracle有关的Software比之前提供更强的安全机制。什么简单的"oracle"之类的pwd不再支持了。这不过一阵子就搞忘了。这年头的,账户多,密码多,就是米不多,哈哈。。。下面说说其解决办法吧。

emctl命令想必大家都见过,DB console时代经常会用到,现在功能是越来越强大了,下面仅仅列出有关修改pwd的部分
emctl config oms -change_repos_pwd [-old_pwd <old_pwd>] [-new_pwd <new_pwd>] [-use_sys_pwd [-sys_pwd <sys_pwd>]] 
Note: Steps in changing Enterprise Manager Root (SYSMAN) password are:
      1) Stop all the OMSs using 'emctl stop oms'
      2) Run 'emctl config oms -change_repos_pwd' on one of the OMS
      3a) Restart AdminServer and all the OMSs using 'emctl stop oms -all' and 'emctl start oms'
      3b) If BI Publisher is installed, restart the BI Publisher managed server(s) named 'BIP####'

1) Stop OMS (leaving the Admin Server up)
2) Modify SYSMAN password
3) Stop all OMS components
4) Start OMS
5) Login to Oracle EMCC-12c with the new password

[oracle@oel63 ~]$ $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl stop oms 
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 3  
Copyright (c) 1996, 2013 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Stopping WebTier...
WebTier Successfully Stopped
Stopping Oracle Management Server...
Oracle Management Server Successfully Stopped
Oracle Management Server is Down

[oracle@oel63 ~]$ $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl config oms -change_repos_pwd -use_sys_pwd -sys_pwd oracle -new_pwd Oracle123
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 3  
Copyright (c) 1996, 2013 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Changing passwords in backend ... 
Passwords changed in backend successfully.
Updating repository password in Credential Store...
Successfully updated Repository password in Credential Store.
Restart all the OMSs using 'emctl stop oms -all' and 'emctl start oms'.
Successfully changed repository password.

[oracle@oel63 ~]$ $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl stop oms -all
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 3  
Copyright (c) 1996, 2013 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Stopping WebTier...
WebTier Successfully Stopped
Stopping Oracle Management Server...
Oracle Management Server Already Stopped
AdminServer Successfully Stopped
Oracle Management Server is Down

[oracle@oel63 ~]$ $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl start oms
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 3  
Copyright (c) 1996, 2013 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Starting Oracle Management Server...
>Starting WebTier...
WebTier Successfully Started
Oracle Management Server Successfully Started
Oracle Management Server is Up

#Author : Leshami
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四、有关CC 12c密码修改Doc
12c Cloud Control: How to Modify the Password for SYSMAN and other Enterprise Manager Users at the OMS Level and Repository Database? (Doc ID 1365930.1) To BottomTo Bottom

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In this Document
  If the current SYSMAN password is known
  If the current SYSMAN password is unknown

Enterprise Manager Base Platform - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.

This article provides steps for modifying the password of SYSMAN and other Enterprise Manager users at the OMS/WLS level and the Repository database in a Cloud Control setup. 
Simply changing the password in the repository database is not sufficient as the password is also stored in the WLS credential store. The OMS uses sysman account to login into the repository database and if there is a mis-match in the password at the database level and the OMS configuration, the OMS cannot start and function properly.

For steps to follow in the earlier Enterprise Manager versions, refer to:
Note 270516.1: How to Change the Password of SYSMAN User in 10g and 11g Grid Control?


From 12c onwards, directly modifying the password for sysman or any other repository user at the Repository Database is not recommended.
Hence, ensure that the passwords are changed only using one of the below listed methods.

If the current SYSMAN password is known

1. Stop all the OMS:

cd <OMS_HOME>/bin
emctl stop oms
Execute the same command on all the OMS machines including the primary OMS machine. Do not include '-all' as the Admin Server needs to be up during this operation.

2. Modify the SYSMAN password:

cd <OMS_HOME>/bin
emctl config oms -change_repos_pwd


- The above command will prompt you for the current password of the SYSMAN user and the new password.
- The password will be modified at the Repository Database as well as the WLS Credential store and the monitoring credentials for the 'OMS and Repository' target.
- Along with the SYSMAN password, this command will modify the password for the EM users (SYSMAN_MDS, BIP, SYSMAN_OPSS, SYSMAN_APM, SYSMAN_RO) created in the Repository Database.

Example output:

emctl config oms -change_repos_pwd
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release
Copyright (c) 1996, 2011 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Enter Repository User's Current Password :
Enter Repository User's New Password :

Changing passwords in backend ...
Passwords changed in backend successfully.
Updating repository password in Credential Store...
Successfully updated Repository password in Credential Store.
Restart all the OMSs using 'emctl stop oms -all' and 'emctl start oms'.

Successfully changed repository password.

3. Stop the Admin server on the primary OMS machine and re-start all the OMS:

cd <OMS_HOME>/bin
emctl stop oms -all
emctl start oms
If the current SYSMAN password is unknown

1. Stop all the OMS:

cd <OMS_HOME>/bin
emctl stop oms
Execute the same command on the primary OMS machine as well. Do not include '-all' as the Admin Server needs to be up during this operation.

If the version of OMS is and if the password has been manually changed at the Database level, apply the Patch 13697830 to the OMS Home and then run the command below to get the password updated in all configurations.
2. Modify the SYSMAN password:

cd <OMS_HOME>/bin
emctl config oms -change_repos_pwd -use_sys_pwd -sys_pwd <sys user password> -new_pwd <new sysman password>

- The '-use_sys_pwd' is used to connect to the database as a SYS user and modify the sysman password in the Repository database.
-  The current sysman password is not prompted for and only the new password needs to be entered. This will allow the reset of the old password to the new password entered.
- The password will be modified at the Repository Database as well as the WLS Credential store and the monitoring credentials for the 'OMS and Repository' target.
- Along with the SYSMAN password, this command will modify the password for the EM users (SYSMAN_MDS, BIP, SYSMAN_OPSS, SYSMAN_APM, SYSMAN_RO) created in the Repository Database.

Example output:

emctl config oms -change_repos_pwd -use_sys_pwd -sys_pwd oracle123 -new_pwd oracle12
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release
Copyright (c) 1996, 2011 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Changing passwords in backend ...
Passwords changed in backend successfully.
Updating repository password in Credential Store...
Successfully updated Repository password in Credential Store.
Restart all the OMSs using 'emctl stop oms -all' and 'emctl start oms'.
Successfully changed repository password.

3. Stop the Admin server on the primary OMS machine and re-start all the OMS:

cd <OMS_HOME>/bin
emctl stop oms -all
emctl start oms


Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide 12c Release 1 (

Chapter 13.8.1 Changing the SYSMAN and MGMT_VIEW Passwords

Known Issues

1. Problem: Modifying the sysman password fails with "":

cd <OMS_HOME>/bin
emctl config oms -change_repos_pwd
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release
Copyright (c) 1996, 2011 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Enter Repository User's Current Password :
Enter Repository User's New Password :
Error occurred. Check the log
Cause: The above error occurs if the Admin server is not running when the sysman password is being modified.
Solution: As advised in the sections above, the Admin Server needs to be up and running when the sysman password is being modified. So, the OMS should not be stopped using 'emctl stop oms -all'.

cd <OMS_HOME>/bin
emctl start oms
emctl stop oms
emctl config oms -change_repos_pwd

NOTE:1511014.1 - 12c: After changing the SYSMAN password directly into the DB, OMS status shows "Connection to the repository failed. Verify that the repository connection information provided is correct"


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