【ASP.NET Web API教程】3 Web API客户端
Chapter 3: Web API Clients
Chapter 3: Web API Clients
第3章 Web API客户端
In this chapter, you'll learn:
本章你将学习: How to create client applications that call your web API.
如何创建调用Web API的客户端应用程序。包括以下几个部分:
本章你将学习: How to create client applications that call your web API.
如何创建调用Web API的客户端应用程序。包括以下几个部分:
3.1 Sample: Introduction to HttpClient
示例:HttpClient介绍 -
This sample demonstrates HttpClient, a modern HTTP client for .NET. HttpClient provides a flexible and extensible API for accessing all things exposed through HTTP.
这个示例演示HttpClient,用于.NET的一种现代HTTP客户端。HttpClient为访问通过HTTP暴露的所有事物提供了一种灵活、可扩展的API。(注:在http://blogs.msdn.com/b/webdev/archive/2012/08/26/asp-net-web-api-and-httpclient-samples.aspx上现在有三个HttpClient方面的示例,本教程系列翻译略 — 译者注)。 -
3.2 Calling a Web API From a .NET Client
通过.NET客户端调用Web API -
By Mike Wasson | July 18, 2012
作者:Mike Wasson | 日期:2012-7-18 -
This tutorial shows how to use HttpClient in a C# console application, to make HTTP calls to a web API.
本教程展示如何在一个C#控制台应用程序中使用HttpClient,形成对Web API的HTTP调用。 -
3.3 Calling a Web API From a WPF Application
通过WPF应用程序调用Web API -
By Mike Wasson | August 22, 2012
作者:Mike Wasson | 日期:2012-8-22 -
This tutorial builds on the previous, by showing how to handle asynchronous methods in HttpClient, without blocking the client UI.
本教程建立在前面的基础之上,展示如何在HttpClient中处理异步方法, -
3.4 HttpClient Message Handlers
HttpClient消息处理程序 -
By Mike Wasson|October 1, 2012
作者:Mike Wasson | 日期:2012-10-1 -
Shows how to add custom HTTP message handlers to the HttpClient pipeline.